
9.2.13 and Ongoing "Bits n Tids"

9.2.13 and Ongoing "Bits n Tids" 9-22-14 NEWS FLASH---------WHITEHOUSE TO ESTABLISH A NEW PERIMETER, to be named "The Moot Moat" ............. EXCAVATION WITH BEGIN ON THE 99 FT.WIDE MOAT, representing the 99 % Silent Majority, TO BE STOCKED WITH ALLIGATORS & PIRANHAS or political dissidents of the time, INCLUDING 2 DRAW BRIDGES for logistical planning. PROBLEM SOLVED, RADAR & A LASER WEAPON SYSTEM https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10204027063230294&set=a.3437551230935.143491.1635131001&type=3&theater 9-14-14 HIGHER LEARNING ENVIRONMENT ------ A PLACE TO LEARN TO NAVIGATE ADVERSITY, ROUGH SEA'S, SOLO FLIGHT, TEST THE TURBULENCE AND ULTIMATELY SOAR HIGH ! 9-8-14 The future's complexity demands education. OJT, Certificate or Degree and periodic updates. Institution excellence and personal integrity, ideally will keep it on track. 9-7-14 Thoughts, then noted and written, collectively referenced as needed to address daily situations, easily modified as circumstances require. 9-6-14 Social skills and its' applied finesse or lack of, can be very taxing and stressful, especially in the work environment..... Life, living and conflict is the norm. Peace is the interlude between wars. Conditions require tolerance and the ability to enjoy lifes good times and pleasures.7-25-14 Hurting souls, provoked, retaliate and escalate 6-13-14 Middle East Turmoil...ONGOING REGIONAL ISSUE..........Sunni vs Shia, several country's, exploiting the resources of the region, foolish meddling by outsiders, inadequate justifications prevail. 6-22-14 Humanity..A captive participant & simultaneously the audience 6-2-14 Humor detracts from the evident need to get this right. The existing VA is a vast collection of veterans and service providers which is in need of betterment. Just as the AHCA attempts to meet all practical needs of healthcare and costs, the same can be for the VA.. Bad use and abuse of everything exists, timely corrective measures then apply. 6-1-14 ? WHAT WILL IT BE ?.....Japan's Fukushima Nuke Radiation, Yellowstone Caldron Eruption, Pandemic, War Unimagined, Asteroid Collision, Solar Blast.......Please Not Civil Disintegration....There Are Responsible Choice's We Are Capable Of Making. 5-25-14 Ad business, diverse forms of media drives many aspects of our life, and are big profiteers. 5-26-14 War & Aggression other than Defensive is WRONG !!.....Imperialistic and Capitalistic motives must be put to rest. There will likely always be sparks of justified or renegade unrest, but addressed internationally. 5.4.14 WAITING PATIENTLY, FOR SOMETHING, MANY THINGS, OF GREAT SOCIAL IMPORTANCE, TO COME TO PASS ! So much to speak of, to qualify, to put into proper perspective. Yet we seem to always fall short.......... Still the need is there to clarify, to instill another directive. To exemplify ! 4.25.14 Wasted time and futile causes undermine good health. Cooperation is essential for the continued growth of our society. A balanced mind, well rested, is happy and self confident, rather than wired and frustrated due to unresolved, misunderstood issues. 4-19-14 Idleness fosters frustrated creative unusual thought ! ..... and lack of understanding & comprehension thus leads to bad behavior. 4-17-14 We will find extremist, both good and bad within all organizations. We are all created equal, likes attract, tolerance and faith in civility is essential. Evil will be dealt with. That's it for now, thankfully so. 4-14-14 Outrage, Atrocities, Defiance, Suffering...........Sad & Shameful History ! 4-10-14 Hurting souls, senseless behavior........... 4-6-14 Overwhelming the numerous, distinctly different subjects, with unanswered questions and explanations, let alone final closure ! The quest for understanding & truth will continue ! 4 4-1-14 Time is ripe to apply all the knowledge at hand and get your health issues under control , best of luck ! 12.12.13 Wonders _____ cease, it's a matter of time, out of ___ hand 11.13.13 Humanitarian Aid as a First Response is Morally Correct ! 11.3.13 The basic of salesmanship. accent the good, ignore the bad. Plenty of chatter, snip-its, selective catch phrases of the subject to clutter, causing burn-out and weariness, disgust then follows ! Many services thrive on the misfortune of people. Legal, medical, insurance and realty, to name a few, all geared to assist a never ending pool of clients, at their mercy due to LAW. 11.1.13 You can have the floor to yourself. Life's lessons suggest that all is not as it seems or as you wish it. You should trim down your delivery and remember your inadequate and false political divinity. 10.29.13 AFFORDABLE CARE ACT---LOSS OF EXISTING POLICES--- Polices that will not meet the minimum standard, replaced with new offerings of better coverage, at a better rate, likely higher, yet overall more affordable for whats offered. 10.26.13 Democrat Eric Swalwell explained that Republicans should: “wake up from this radical ideological wet dream and come back to reality.” NEED TO SAY AGAIN..............Wallowing in past sensationalized selectively embellished topics, that still to this day are moot. Not to say that there is much eye opening needed in all forums. Wasted time complaining. Hopefully frustrated foolish insults have been put to rest. There seems to be a prevailing need to counter the perceived opposition at all costs, cluttering conflict with fragments of topics, thus obscuring the whole truth. More distorted perceptions drive the accusations, been since 2008, with no Cease and Stop Decree, things are as they are. Again, combative rhetoric, new temp. front man has some merit but lacks polish, preparing all for a new sincere visionary, there is a strong need for a good lead, "We shall see". Cruz looks Pale in the face, due to a possible future together. The Political Theatre Side Show Barker Cruz & Matron Palin provide reasonable previews of Domestic Ambiguity. 10.23.13 " VACUOUS CIPHER'S " are everywhere and with strong financial backing. Weeding thru the waste is taxing & tiring. 10.13.13 A CHANGE LONG OVERDUE............ Washington POLITICIANS, the hatred, violence, and hostility associated with it...............NOT IN NAME ONLY ! GRAVITY...........Without it, people wouldn't take things seriously ! 10.10.13 "COMPLAINING ? "What;s the fuss, out of and reducing of battle mode, weathering a serious financial disaster, relentless badgering from political malcontents and lastly crab mentality dancing with greater disruption of a already challenging existence............ 10.9.2013 The "Affordable Care Act", IT IS WHAT IT IS, REGARDLESS OF THE LIES & DECEIT HEARD FROM THE REPUBLICANS-TEA PARTY ERS. BOEHNER, CRUZ AND THE LIKE ! Blind fury self serving delayed self destructive. Russian Roulette Alla Republicana ! While not a common occurrence, no longer is shooting oneself in the foot questionable, rather understandable & reasonable, while embarrassing, yet not life threatening ! Tick -Tock-TICK-TOCK, We shall see, what will be. Can't you see, the confoundedness ? 10.2.2013 All steadfast, mass hysteria of each individual core, disregarding the impact to the larger picture, concession blockage due to fear of showing weakness. Fact is it's the law, compulsory citizen participation essential for fairness and success. 10.1.2013 SHUT DOWN......GRANDSTANDING......SELF DESTRUCTIVE......VINDICTIVE Ongoing and current responsibilities are unquestionable. Forum to address dissent is basic Democracy, not the present frustrated display. The whole Kitten Caboodle is rigged, a multi-layered extravaganza. Putting hasty conclusions to rest helps understanding. 9.25.13 The purpose was to be, all participate and lower costs overall. Not in effect as of yet, though insurers have been raising rates continually. A sure guessing game with the regulators, insurers and citizen. A small step for total accountability and transparency. Presently care given with payment outstanding and numerous private sector safety nets assist. Turned down-refusal of emergency and care services loom for the uninsured. Ethical and moral issues aplenty. 9.25.13 Ed ..........Ted Cruz for President in 2016! America needs another great one Anthony Parchini............ Lock, stock & barrel til he self destructs or a new flavor appears ! Ed ..................... He won't self-destruct and there can be no other new flavor, he is the flavor, as Reagan was. Anthony Parchini ............Short of exterminating those that don't meet your criteria of a worthy citizen, what do you propose ? Ed .................... Not a worthy citizen, a worthy politician. But your answer . . . TERM LIMITS 9.26.13 Ed .....Ted Cruz, A Congressman that actually says what he does and does what he says - HOW DARE HE TELL THE TRUTH! Anthony Parchini......... Well put Ed, beating a dead horse ! The new grade spin-off of a government conspiracy to satisfy the insecure paranoid. Another temporary justification for this moments unexplainable, until time, investigation and analysis come close to the complete story. Important to have a dream, temporary fix, Carnival Cruz Line. One needs to separate issue's and judge those responsible, rather than the pre-conceived prevailing. Plenty of revelations, real -embellished -manufactured ! Haven't much use for temporary sideshows, will let the air clear some. Surely we shall see plenty of discussion and long needed changes. 9.16.13 "Gun Violence and the Right to Gun Ownership"......NRA STRONGLY BACKED BY GUN MFG. Tragic as this is and other past gun violence, gun ownership is just and proper. Laws should reflect a strict background check. As for illegal possession and use it will take decades to get this addressed. 9.2.2013 FEAR OF OBAMACARE ? A tough decision, without the mandated participation, those without, will seek medical help and expect a free ride or be turned away. Irresponsibility and ignorance require structured guidance. Costs, the price rating of services should be monitored to reflect bottom line. A large open pit,"those" without any healthcare now, "those" that loose coverage due to income reduction or job loss. What will address these masses of without ?

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APOGEE'S VIEW 11-12-94

Sus-pen-ded in the vast-ness of space
Float-ing free-ly while gaz-ing a-round,
Won-der, deep thoughts, ex-pressed on my face,
Awe, ques-tion, a-maz-ing, so pro-found

So ver-y, beau-ti-ful our earth is,
u-nique blue plan-et shroud-ed in white,
tur-bu-lent at-mos-phere... all is His,
Faith in the Lord, will make all turn right,

Our bless-ed place in the u-ni-verse,
We all must work to-geth-er... waste not,
Fu-ture lives yet to be lived... no curse
Love all be-ings, things, Lord hath be-got.


Monsters and snakes... Saber-toothed tiger,
looking you in the face

Get your guard up... Get it up
Get your guard up... Don't let up

Beware the unknown, your life's in your hands
Caution and defense
Relentless action... Action!... Action!

You know where your interests lie... Nor do you want to die

Do what's right... It may take a fight

Get your guard up... Get it up
Get your guard up... Get it up