
10.11.13 "My Comments on Ed's Wall"

10.11.13 "My Comments on Ed's Wall" 10.16.13 You have your cool-aid flask close-by, you will need the crux ! Ed Bodnar 11 minutes ago near Dallas, TX I am sure MANY will be glad to read this from me, but you will not be seeing any more political posts from me in the future. I am done with politics, as there is just no point any longer. The democrats and the President have won the war, not just a battle. They won more deficits, more debt, more obamacare destruction, and have thoroughly beaten and destroyed the other party that is DEAD TO ME NOW AFTER COMPLETE CAPITULATION! On a note of consolation, at least the country can look forward to a new immigration bill, that will further flood the markets with people that will also then require what - yep, you guessed it, free stuff. Lifelong democratic voters. Signed, sealed, and delivered! I would come back if Ted Cruz runs for President, but only if he does so for another party. The (R) is dead to me, and to so many others in this country, except mcconnell, mccain, and graham. The 3 Amigos! Mark my words, I will NEVER vote for any "I can't even say their name anymore" party again. Hence, this will most likely end my Facebooking, period. What other reason is there for it anymore. Enjoy the wonderful world the left has given us, and the blue pill is in the mail. Like · · Share Anthony Parchini FIRST PARAGRAPH ENOUGH........A healthy and realistic decIsion/ 4 minutes ago · Like October 11, 2013 at 11:44am 10.10.13 Anthony Parchini What;s the fuss, out of and reducing of battle mode, weathering a serious financial disaster, relentless badgering from political malcontents and lastly crab mentality dancing with greater disruption of a already challenging existence.........10.9.13 Blind fury self serving delayed self destructive............. 10.8.13 We shall see shortly, who is full of it and who should bow their head in shame. The prize in the Cracker Jacks Box will have to do..........10.4.13 I wish you peace of mind and happiness in all, short of the .............My understanding is that most media machines are assets of the wealthy, providing the platform and playing both sides.........10.3.13 A lone Albatros D.V , in need of a squadron and a............Those poor or indigent children would have healthcare with the new health care laws............10.2.13 All steadfast, mass hysteria of each individual core, disregarding the impact to the larger picture, concession blockage due to fear of showing weakness. system.......... 9.25.13 Lock, stock & barrel til he self destructs or a new flavor appears ! Short of exterminating those that don't meet your criteria of a worthy citizen, what do you propose ? Good point Ed, presently care given with payment outstanding and numerous private sector safety nets assist. Turned down-refusal of emergency and care services loom for the uninsured. Ethical and moral issues aplenty..........9.11.13 Sure many feel you have a delusional bubble of your own...........9.7.13 Watching and waiting for you to hold to your word ! A B F T !...............9.5.13 Replace many whom you thought were of like mind with you too ! Circumstances force the world community to react, have opinion and seek a solution, which as we know now, many of your favored Repubs. are all for it ! We shall see in the coming week when it goes to a vote. I personally feel it's a set-up for disaster, we should stay clear and let the REGIONAL LIKE ORIGIN COUNTRIES DEAL WITH IT. Israel stay cool ! The bureaucrats in Congress will follow his lead, their allegiance to several different lobby's dictate their decisions. ED "Any Congressperson that votes with this loser, for anything moving forward, is DEAD TO ME FOREVER! "......................Ted Cruz on shaky ground now !.............. 9.2.13 A tough decision, without the mandated participation, those without, will seek medical help and expect a free ride or be turned away. Irresponsibility and ignorance require structured guidance. Costs, the price rating of services should be monitored to reflect bottom line. 9.1.13 DAMN DO ...DAMN DON'T...........HE'S WEAK, ...HE'S EXCESSIVELY AGGRESSIVE..........RIDICULOUSLY IMPULSIVE OBSERVATIONS 1................8.28.13 Wasted years complaining, many aspects of our lives have been fair, regardless of the political malcontent rivalry..............8.14.13 ODD.......YOU POSTING ANTI-BUSH stuff...............8.7.13 No one should be re-elected to Congress who is unwilling to live by the laws imposed on the rest of us................7.20.13 ho-hum...............Politicians created a monster when they pursued and gained tax exempt status for political groups.............5.6.13 On occasion, the need arises to review the accumulated facts about a previous event which has been a subject of close scrutiny, complete or yet to be clarified, this is now. Ashes to ashes, robust to dust !...........5.2.13 One has to be a liberal to weather such robust discourse !...................4.23.13 Which makes it time to say enough is enough. A newer spin on the continuing gibberish ......................4.21.13 CONSPIRACY THEORIES ABOUND !.......The new grade spin-off of a government conspiracy to satisfy the insecure paranoid. Another temporary justification for this moments unexplainable, until time, investigation and analysis come close to the complete story............3.26.13 Obama, he too will face his record in history !..............3.18.13 Pleased to see a more civil summation ! As cited in recent Repub gathering, "must stop hateful rhetoric"3.14.13 Pathetic Rants, indicative of malcontent, insecure, bully child.............3.1.13 Take 2 aspirin to thin your blood, 2 shots of your favorite whiskey and then wing it for the rest of the day ! Will get over it ! The best is yet to come !................2.14.13 Carnival forum, snip-its of reality to suit a unstable mind !...............2.1.13 *World economy's stressed *Civil unrest rampant *Smaller pay checks *Rising cost of living *War on the horizon.......1.24.13 Your 2 F MUCH !...........1.15.13 At it again ? A new year, a new rack, let's crack 'em !......11.3.12 THE sTATE OF the uNION was a disaster at the transition of administration. Economy was in free fail. Causes of demise ? Confident to meet the challenge, words and goals decreed were beyond reach yet admirable. All parties under-estimated severity and the subsequent length of time of impact on the economy. Worldwide, various nations too were and are challenged. Everybody's both write and wrong because of the complexity. No one individual has the focus or constant oversight to declare the perfect game plan. Congress failed to unite for the good of the nation. Now as the alarm sounds of economic fiscal crisis, old- inadequate infrastructure, two critical foundations of a vibrant society, will we recognize, what's truely important. My boy bush, rather your choice in comments a plenty. Of course a fight was called for, since thought, a questionable side show justification against Iraq and then Afg.Stan. Alot of needless death, destruction and excessive financial cost. Bin Laden and associates a band of scoundrels would have been rooted out in time as we have seen. Afg.Stan- The land is rich in minerals deemed important to batteries to name one reason. Surely thought as a important military location in the region. ............On the lighter side, Denton, college town, has a good pool hall just east of 35E , Brunswick tables, full bar and kitchen. Should meet up and spend some time ! Again, complex is the view. Multi-faceted, Bank, Insurers, Wall Street, false value based on inadequate documentation. Sub-contractors of war industry which over priced and over-billed services for 2 wars, wasted foreign aid not tracked for honesty. And more facts noted in other posting we all have encountered. The realtors and lenders made their commision based on false and inadequate applications, loans were bundled and rated secure and creditable. Inability to pay forced foreclosure stampede. Money made from bad paper, will it ever be recovered ? .............Overpriced or not supplied goods and services to government is a important issue, the Justice Dept case is ongoing ! ............ No need for me to site any justification for Mr. O , plenty of chatter and opinion throughout our exposure to daily media. As said, we shall see. I haven't the vaguest idea or clue, who really backs who or what or both. Change your underwear Mitt Romney ! Borrowed this comment; The clocks will change. But the President will be re-elected to continue cleaning up the Republican mess !! Yes, the outcome may not be as one likes. Your last GOP President Bush, where has he been, advised to lay low and wallowing in fear due the mess he had a hand in creating !.....11.2.12 Sad when there are those that profit from other's misfortune through fact manipulation, elimination, disregarding and lies. 10.30.12 Shock twisted view. .Also, any and all veterans I have known (including my deceased father) are reserve, polite and RESPECTFUL to presidents and govt. officials from any and all parties of their country. I have never seen or heard any of those vets call presidents or any others vulgar names. They all respect their country's officials in a mature, respectful and CONSERVATIVE way.......... B_____-Bold-Bright and steadfast !........another fake ad........10.29.13 Refreshingly more civil....... 10.27.12 We early voted for President Barack Obama yesterday with great satisfaction, irregardless of your foul rants against. Not so propaganda, from shallow propagandists...........10.11.13 Love your passion and tenacity, Rush's influence is quite evident, been 4 years of pouting by you and constituents, no much cooperation. Short time left, before we all shall see what's in store for the next four. Need to collectively address the problems rather than piss away what good we have........9.5.13 We live in a land molded by big money, Corporations, the Banks and Rich. Lawyers, Politicians do their bidding. As the game of "Monopoly" the objective is wealth and power. The average person has been abused for centuries. The established system of WEALTH consistently manipulated and deceived to acquire.. 8.31.12 GOP gathering "A Classic". Choice of speakers, their talks, psychologically scripted to touch basic human compassion and emotional centers. A great actor, Clint Eastwood had no need for a teleprompter. He had a relaxed command of his lines, which made his day ! Where was George W. Bush, the GOP "Ace in the Hole". Intentionally distracted, definitely not forgotten, conveniently preoccupied........8.28.12 Be prepared for a rude awakening, inclined to think it's the 11'th hour for the GOP...........8.16.12 No sense in getting all worked up, join in, sit back and watch the all to familiar.................12.5.11 Respect, a good choice of words............Sarcastic name calling exemplifies frustration and the inability to cope with reality, except when the display of ignorance, and blatant disregard for the 99.9 % becomes so annoying and humorous. What horse are you backing, the stable is a-fire for some time and most are dead or drowning in the tears being used to put it out !Nite all. @ Ed...Your comment Beware !........... Caution ! You've show your hole card, as a Racist. Elm has twisted grain, tough to split and is considered garbage wood. Considering the blight, if any still standing are they big enough to hide behind in Little Elm. This posting due to concern for truth, understanding and future safety. Research about Elm, its grain structure and water resistance made it favorable for ship building and archery long bows. Did frustrate the fire wood splitter........8.23.13 danastev924 on August 23, 2011 at 7:22 AM Eventually the Tea Party will disband as this group comes to realize they’re only corporate shills for big business. The Independent voter will recognize this much sooner & avoid voting Republican for some time.......8.19.11 Most Republicans are Wealthy folk, land owners, newer select vehicles, various investments like stocks, bonds, annuities, 401k, Roths, Life & Health Insurance and more yet to list............other REPUBLICANS are want-to-be, getting by on the delusion-illusion that they too are on the better side of the tracks. Yes, the Democrat's too, their political constituents a very complex agenda by the wealthy and Corporations to manipulate and exploit the system with a army of legal council and a gullible following to pick up the crumbs, while the masses contemplate..............6.8.11 Ed, please note, I was in USAF 1965-68,have been VA care with service connected disability. Something has to give, may be care for non service origin medical needs. Wasteful programs, unnecessary tax breaks to corps. and the rich is of importance.............3.15.11 Armchair warrior watching events unfold on their computer and television screens in Texas want Obama to handle things more..............2.26.11 Unions did have a positive impact on worker opportunity and rights, that elevated even non-union. Today, many employer-employee relationships are "At Will ", non binding for either party, terminate, quit, no liability...........2.22.11 The Feds., States, Business all should demonstrate their sincerity , slash waist and abuse, then working class America will join in.....................1.21.11 He, the Republicans, grandstanded, at the expense of the hostages in Iran, stalled their release, so Ronnie could announce their return home that day. SHAMEFUL ............yet we all were thankful !............ 10.4.09 Our technology gives us the ability to monitor and make tactical strikes from afar,namely,unmanned drone aircraft & missiles.We shall see if the military command realizes its' failure to establish adequate defense for our troops & not foolishly increase their numbers,thus increasing the size of any possible target for the enemy. Other types of attacks are car bombings & suicide bombers.The subsequent possible increase of our troops will only expose more American's to attack.It is not practical for us to be on constant move as the enemy, nor does it make sense to sit & wait to be attacked,reminiscent of our early involvement in the Vietnam War policy of "SHOOT ONLY WHEN SHOT AT" This US outpost was to be abandoned and closed down within two days. As we know the increase of US troops for Afgan. is under consideration. The enemy is not using conventional warfare tactics. They use Gorilla warfare, they are not sitting ducks for any length of time. I sadly reference the loss of 8 lives of American military personnel in Afghanistan today Oct. 4, 2009. As described, a remote outpost was attacked by 75-80, the enemy having higher ground,in the rugged mountainous terrain. 10.3.09 WE should recognize recent history, USSR loss , really not wanted there by locals, the hostile land and terrain, so remotely removed from the USA, THIS CONFLICT a follow-up to Iraq. Iraq war was initially entered under false reasons of the pursuit of WMD, never to be found, granted getting ride of SAD-HUS was just as well. I personally see the move in Afgan. as a continuance of a needless military operation. Our nation has sub-contracted out some much of its military support to BIG BUSINESS, which has seen fit to overcharge in so many different ways, been caught in its devious business activities , yet to be made public. Also subs behavior in some instances deplorable. ... Further clarification, the Bush's, their administration' s,was a tool for their personal vendetta against Sad-hu, sadly supports their evident arrogance and disregard for the American people. Domestic policies & legislative changes were molded for corporate exploiting of Federal lands. Clean Air Acts were stalled. Both civil & constitution rights nationally & international were disregarded. Note that Bush Jr.s' second term election was a sham. Many questions then and now still being kicked around. This all occurred in Florida, Jed Bush Governor. Media cited their business association with associates of Bin Laden, prior to 911. Currently the foremost example of their participation in a plot to undermine America is the Bilderberg Group. I do not lay claim to all the facts.

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APOGEE'S VIEW 11-12-94

Sus-pen-ded in the vast-ness of space
Float-ing free-ly while gaz-ing a-round,
Won-der, deep thoughts, ex-pressed on my face,
Awe, ques-tion, a-maz-ing, so pro-found

So ver-y, beau-ti-ful our earth is,
u-nique blue plan-et shroud-ed in white,
tur-bu-lent at-mos-phere... all is His,
Faith in the Lord, will make all turn right,

Our bless-ed place in the u-ni-verse,
We all must work to-geth-er... waste not,
Fu-ture lives yet to be lived... no curse
Love all be-ings, things, Lord hath be-got.


Monsters and snakes... Saber-toothed tiger,
looking you in the face

Get your guard up... Get it up
Get your guard up... Don't let up

Beware the unknown, your life's in your hands
Caution and defense
Relentless action... Action!... Action!

You know where your interests lie... Nor do you want to die

Do what's right... It may take a fight

Get your guard up... Get it up
Get your guard up... Get it up