
11-14-2014 "CONTINUE "Tid-bits from the recent past & ongoing"

12-21-2016 ........Still smoldering @ this thread !....................Stating opinions does not justify attacks on individuals, it changes the subject and in every past incident here, does not allow the facts as presented or allow rebuttal, let alone mutual respect of personal thoughts. We all should face this fact, that silencing complete civil discussion is wrong. Historically eye to eye contact was a good deterrent, and not easily accomplished here. 12-20-2016 tat 4 tit, tit 4 tat, time 4 tell 12-19-2016 AS THE EXPRESSION GOES, "THE WRITING IS ON THE WALL " Enough already, but for the offical tally Jan.6, which will verify this abomination. False faith of many heart felt issues relying on a abundance of lies now will be tested. We shall see. Those that have chosen to ignore the numerous signals of hypocrisy, will share in the humiliation of what foolishness and selfishness we are in store for. Those that chose to give him a pass on numerous insults and shocking statements, have along list to come to terms with. Things promised that will never be, cause his shallow words, uttered impulse statements , as well as praying on peoples suiffering and longing for a better life. AGAIN I SAY "WE SHALL SEE" Short of acting out, speaking your mind lends to clarity and meaningful discourse. Many view this as a Coliseum and the Lions and don't what to become worms meat ! 12-18-2016 Tomorrow the Electors vote. The process will then be completed as Constitionally written. Amendments have been considered in the past relatve to the Electoral College. Interesting subject and even more profound is we are living thru this, made more complicated by questionable events, statements and covert meddling. "THE INSULT OF UNACCOUNTABLE SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS, TEXTING AND TWITTER" A Black Comedy We'll Have To Live Thru. Best Ending will be the stark realization that "All Have Been Had", and just enough time left to righten the apple cart. 12-16-2016 AGGRESSIVE ACTIVITY NEED NOT HAVE "rhyme or reason"....WHETHER IN YOUR FACE or SUBTLE.....BE ASSERTIVE NOT LACKADAISICAL . 12/13/2016 "APPOINTMENTS QUESTIONED" Save the swamp, Washington insiders, "Big Oil-Gas" friendly Governors and other past complacent office holders who'll fill a position and marginalize any civil restraint of abuses. "BICKERING BACK N FORTH" Too many mixed signals from different directions, hasty conclusions for a quick self satisfying feeling. Yet, if given a reasonable amount of time to let the investigative process work, we likely reach the truth. 12/12/2016 "THE BATTLE LINES BEING DRAWN".... MIGHT MAKES RIGHT, BY FORCE AND DECEIT.... Worldly capitalist, professing popular positions, duping with promises of shallow origin, seizing political power, by welding systematic assaults on many different social, corporate, political and government platforms. The history of conflicts have many similar elements, and at any given time things have errupted either by error or choice. ARROGANT, ANGERED, AGGRESSIVE..............HAS ALREADY SECURED A SECRET INTELLIGENCE NETWORK OF HIS CHOICE.http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/12/11/trump-claims-russian-interference-in-2016-race-ridiculous-dems-making-excuses.html "ELECTION ISSUE" Electoral College review facts and votes.........Push, shove............a very serious move, should not go without consequence. http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/309938-electors-press-for-intelligence-briefing-on-russian 12/6/2016 Bleak outlook yet a meltdown is eminently in the cards for his Inner core is shattered and does not know the value of peaceful coexistence. Liars grandstanding one another, self serving mis-dis-information.........."ALOT OF NERVE", INDIVIDUALS SPEAK LIES TO FURTHER A CONTROVERSIAL OUTLOOK, PURPOSEFUL CONFUSION FOR THEIR OWN AMUSEMENT 11/29/2016 "FUTURE OUTLOOK" Chances that a humbling realization occurs after a universal issue prevails. http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/28/politics/space-war-us-military-preparations/ 11/22/2016 MODIFIED PASSAGE TO A CLOSE FRIEND:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Some folks having a tough time adjusting to a new bubble, being inside rather than ranting from the outside. All said, it would be most benificial to everyone that change does occur for the better and that self evident truths about worldly conditions be the basis for any efforts. The pressure cooker is in new hands. Hope all keep cool. 11-21-2016 Historic issue with electoral college, just the same, now we'll see a new governing style, subject to "Twitter Impulse Reality". 11/21/2016 All life has a ongoing issue with the world around them. Good, bad and indifferent, time passes, what is, is...what was, was...& the will be, remains to be seen. Enjoy your life ! 11/17/2016 Caring and concern, moderation retains peace of mind. 11/16/2016 Wake n Bake for Heaven's Sake ! 11/15/2016  We're in for some conflicting times, uncharted waters with high levels of emotion & behavior.                                                            11/9/2016   "ELECTION POST" WHAT-EVER, WHO-EVER, THE OUT-COME, IS FOR REAL !  .... LET THESE WORDS SINK-IN, CUT THE CRAP AND LET'S GET THIS RIGHT FOR ALL ! .........8 years of pissing & moaning, loss for words as expected, shock and awe to the world & the shit has yet to hit the fan . Promised polices and changes aplenty, our hope and faith in sensible leadership will be tested.  Frightening as it may seem, good may come out of this. Berni set a course, Trump too, and spoke to the masses with better results, but with extreme views gained the power that will be challenged by a more sane following if peace and prosperity is to prevail............. AN AMERICAN TRAGEDY By David Remnick , NOVEMBER 9, 2016 http://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/an-american-tragedy-2                                                                                                                                                    11-3-2016     "PERSONAL DECLARATION" I voted "Green", to fertilize the issues. A form of applied chemistry. Just as fermentation, meddling or tampering has a desired or unexpected positive outcome.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                10-31-2016    ALL FACT OR FICTION, YET UNDENIABLY TRUE, AFTER ALL, BEING SAID.............NEW CALMER FUTURE FORESEEN                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      10-23-2016   "HERE WE GO AGAIN"  A lifetime of this political facade, with many confounding laws and rules, has strayed from true democracy structure. Years of fine tuning, the wealthy, attorney's, corporations and the elected, have created a very secure livelihood and future for themselves. It's going to take some very clever and tenacious effort to undo this mess.                                                                                                                                                            10-20-2016 Again, the fate of the future seems bleak. Choices that are contrary or incomplete, yet still, a decision must be made. Plenty of current real time and alleged facts to consider. Those that truly review, will cast a sincere vote. Weak justifications that a select few promote, that never go beyond everyday chatter. The weary from lip-service and few improvments to society granted by the elected, fall short of expectations term after term. LIMIT congress service terms and excessive benefits to stop corruption and abuse......... That's it, a conspiracy to drive society to drug addition to cut the pain of complacency ........................  "TRUMP"    He is quite the promoter, with a political agenda that resembles a diverse collection of extreme and peculiar observations and remedies.                                                                                                                                                                   10-19-2016  Tolerance, understanding and forgiveness all meet,.... Peace                                                                                                                         10-05-2016  "STRESSFUL & TENSE TIMES R TAXING"  ?????????? "WOW, just a matter of time, freedom of thought, speech and enough is enough ALL COLLIDE !"...............Deep commitment to self, pushes one to rally, while relentless unbridled verbal assaults are annoying, TOO SAY A VIEW.................              9-26-2016   Extreme therapy, strong medicine without ingestion !                                                                                                                        9-20-2016  ELECTION 2016   Given today's complex issues, Clinton has the needed experience and overall qualities to serve successfully.       9-17-2016 "GOSSIP & PRIVATE ACITIVITY BECOMES NEWS, WHICH MAY HELP A ADVERSARIES AGENDA" In the meantime, Secretary Powell I just offer this apologia which is as heartfelt as it is hollow.http://www.mediaite.com/online/dear-secretary-powell-i-would-like-to-apologize-for-publicizing-your-private-emails/ 9-15-2016 A realistic and intelligent conclusion, no harm done, religions create purpose and common value of life. There Is No Hell Fire; Adam & Eve Not Real – Pope Francis Exposes One man who is out to open many old "secrets" in the Catholic church is Pope Francis. Some of the beliefs… NAIJAURBAN.COM|BY NAIJAURBAN. http://www.naijaurban.com/no-hell-fire-adam-eve-not-real-pope-francis-exposes/ 8-30-2016 "TRUMPS IMMIGRATION DEPORTATION PLAN IS" Mr. Trump will meet his time tomorrow and finally state his intended immigration/deportation policy. Smart move not to weaken, yet assert a strong overall process that is practical, fair, effective and realistic. Calling for a voluntary surrender, to allow a more speedy processing and path to legal status. Roundup with deportation of all criminal elements and sealing the border. BABY STEPS there after. "TRUMPS IMMIGRATION DEPORTATION PLAN IS" beyond accomplishment due to quantity of individuals, overall cost and the hardship created. " Which is Trumps' IDEA to deport 11 + Million (Undocumented US Individuals). Will a civil round-up suffice, followed by house to house search, jail, then a forced exit to where..... QUESTIONABLE POINTS of ORIGIN..............Defiant and uncooperative persons evading capture pose a threat. The unexpected setbacks (lengthy timeframe for completion of round-up, processing, transportation, holding til deportation, choice of destination and their acceptance there, pursuing those that refuse to comply and the enormous costs therein. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-lands-in-mexico-for-last-minute-meeting-with-president-pena-nieto/2016/08/31/6e1a9f8c-6f8f-11e6-8533-6b0b0ded0253_story.html 8-17-2016 "POLITICAL HOSPICE OR SANCTION" Valid review, summary and conclusion, both sides have serious issues ! 8-16-2016 "WOODSTOCK GENERATION" All of the above(BELOW), and that unsaid....the vast complexity of one individual compounded by every living thing and the desire to survive. 8-4-2016 "VOTING RIGHTS" Freedom of choice, at least the personal satisfaction of participating in the system as it is. A very dangerous collection of curcumstances exist. The power of ignorance, those who choose, without just consideration of patterns of bad thinking. Apathy, due to lack of commitment to understand the issues and the resolving that the number of others, who will vote, will be adequate to stop the insanity. A Lesson that the unexpected can overtake you in a flash, stick around a bit, then hopefully disappear. 7-31-2016 "All fair in loves and wars" ...words, rumors, allegations or deeds...WikiLeaks transparency issue..."Chain of Evidence" then consider as hearsay. 7-30-2016 "THE BEAT GOES ON ...WILL IT EVER CORRECT ITSELF !".............A life time of watching the pendulum swing of political power from one party to the other. Each believing deeply a selective view of historic facts , yet with a twist to reinforce their preferred view. We can only pray that a upset of mind-set will clarify this bad thinking. 7-28-2016 "OVERVIEW" Truth, Lie, Misunderstood, Intentionally Distorted, Confused, Overwhelmed .....All of the Above.......Will Work Out....Praise Dumb Luck 7-25-2016 " SOCIETY TREMORS" History has noted many tries and many failures. War & Raw Natural Calamity's and the self inflicted harm, causes of a societies demise. 7-22-2016 "EVERLASTING CONFLICT" There is no innoculation to shield, from the issues we face, can't force feed the truth when you can't pin it down, relentless barrage of STUFF TO CONSIDER, most fragments giving misleading conclusions. Thus, all is not as it seems, as portrayed or as we would like. 7-21-2016 "SOCIETY'S SELF VIEWS IN CONTRAST" November election, then newer grievances, reworked opposing points. A never ending part of freedom of thought and speech no matter how out of place, strange, relevant or long over due. 7-21-2016 "STRAINED EMOTIONS PREVAIL" From reasonable calm to uneasy streets, both North America, Europe and Beyond, experiencing civil unrest morphing into terrorism by home country nationals and others with different motivations. 7-19-2016 "BIRTHING A NEW SPIN" RNC in Ohio, now for real, brainstorming new perversions that are cloaked as Righteous Conservative BUY LINES....................PARTY ON & THEN HOOT & HOLLER ................ Unions and organized labor build the technical and public service backbone of our society. GOP goal is to abolish these institutions that you and many others live by. 7-19-2016 HARSH REALIZATION AGAIN" The worst of circumstances, choices and decisions all colliding with history, selective interpretations of and questionable goals for the future. 7-18-2016 "MORE TRUMP" Like reading tea leaves, patterns of cause and effect tally, establish overall clarity that then fads into a memory. For all those who are concerned. Donald Trump speaks endlessly about everything of issue and also some extreme observations with unorthodox remedies, thanks for doing so. He scares people, our present system is there to sensible decide our future. Let's let it work civilly. Going down memory lane of injustices, wrong decisions, out right deception and lies perpetrated by individuals of all persuasions, political, ethnic, race or religion, highlights the issues. To cover Trumps bloopers, insults, bad inadequate thinking is the record and will be his legacy. We are all just along for the ride. Participate, voice opinion and then go about surviving in shaky times, history for centuries. We are really no different, though choice of contrasting paths with sincere concerns. 7-15-2016" TRUMP "...buyers remorse, decision questioned, manifesting anxiety preceding depression.... I think Trump will willfully withdraw whence he realizes the fix he's in, likely later than sooner.......Newt willfully exposes Sharia Law. May be caught between a rock and a hard place. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-36806380 7-13-2016 Donald Trump......... Rumor has it that he plans to market a "Box of Tricks" containing 3 separate 1/2 walnut shells and a handful of peas, a mirror, magnet, magnifying glass and dehydrated water tablets. Time has passed and he now is foolishly obviously recklessly off his meds ! 7-13-2016 "CLINTON EMBRACES SANDERS " .https://theindependentthinker2016.wordpress.com/2016/07/12/what-bernie-sanders-gave-to-america-today/ All well said, now it's Clinton vs Trump, Faith is First in Order, then that being said,Trump is RETIRED. Second that Clinton pursue the agenda agreed upon by securing passing of critical legislation and consider other issues passed over that are also very important. 7-9-2016"GOD HELP US UNDERSTAND" We are living thru a timeframe of history in the making, for centuries one person or group exploited the other. This injustice prevailed and still is the order of today. Extreme activity such as war, attempts to counter the perceived wrong. Social attitudes are learned good and bad thinking. The basic unit of all societies is the family, it's survival is dependent on nurturing and protecting. 7-8-2016 America mourns the death of Dallas Police Officers........A COWARDLY AMBUSH ASSAULT .................................................................Negative patterns can be broken, sometimes painfully, but with concern and love 7-6-2016 HEIGHTENED AWARENESS RULES, CIVILITY-TRANSPARENCY-TRUTHFULNESS-RESOLVE FOR EVERYONE'S WELL BEING................................"THE WRECKLESS E-MAIL" Always been persons in the public eye, questionable conduct, accountability sometimes and to some, never ending complaining. Well thought out, written, copied and posted, a scolding and sorrowful occurrence, prepare for some serious issues now that are beyond this minor sin........... Bernie Sanders remaining active with all that's looming. The Repubs. with a Trump hand, regret having to play with all its weaknesses. 6-29-2016 "MAKES YOU SCRATCH YOUR HEAD AND STILL WONDER" Trump in the real world, as if he were shuffling thru 18 holes or a casino, void of any conscious accountability for & to others 6-27-2016 "Honest Discourse" Important to frankly speak your mind, a common point affirmed, a contrasting view or a newly understood perspective, all sincerely conveyed. 6-25-2015 Donald Trump SPEAKS, HEADS TO THE GROUND, fear, panic, hysteria, follow the ASPIRING OVER LORD ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJsN6LAsG2c 6-23-2016 "NO MATTER THE SUBJECT" Many shades of gray areas exist. There are many shades of gray yet to be expressed. 6-23-2016 "SHARP NEEDLE IN A HAY STACK" A prime example of frustrated citizens hearing what they want to here, by a professional con-man ....."think there's a kernel of truth to what he's saying ?" A "Light kernel" of some very important topics & issues with select phrases that have tickled a reactive spot in the citizenry. 6-22-2016 "WASTE DISPOSAL CHALLENGE" At one time I did give thought to incineration on a large scale to active volcano's (lava calderones) with a injector system (NEARLY FIREPROOF), but transportation of waste would be costly.................As for burned up nuclear waste, it would very likely become airborne, not good ! 6-22-2016 "STATE OF CONFUSION" Emotions run high, mis & dis information is every where, concern is just, and a continued assault of discrediting prevails. IN 2013 THIS POSTED.....QUESTION ? AFTER CAPITALISM what ? Unbridled creativity, shared value with just oversight, yet protect all that's vulnerable. 6-15-2016 False Prophet Politicians .... Not all fortune cookies are of good fortune, perhaps spoiled or rotten, poison to the mind, heart and soul. 6-14-2016 "LESSON FOR A BETTER CHANCE OF SURVIVAL" Whether alone or with others confront the aggressor. Every potential incident is unique, yet predictable. Obviously quick decisions required, while extreme elements unfold and prevail, the out come, you have a hand in. ...........Kindly forgive me for addressing this................. 6-13-2016 " THUMP TRUMP" Our political system was and is "Up for GRABS", His own resources (as stated), gave him a good start. We have seen many eager candidates with agenda's to consider. Claims of pre-election corruption and a leery population has feed the issues. Much of his SPEAK, does reference important issues, thereafter he is on his own.......... Trump will stop extreme weather events, redistribute wealth, ban all religions and declare himself Supreme OverLord. 6-13-2016 "LGBT" We are as we are, first accept self, then civility. Relax, reflect, regroup and enjoy your time, like the season, a spring awakening ! 6-09-2016 "STATE OF THE UNION" What shall we do, both Nation & it's Citizens need nurturing and stability. Let there not be a Global Issue to upstage our priority's. As far as the political mindset issues thrust upon this season, hopefully it will pass as distasteful, leaving all the truths and lies revealed. 5-27-2016 Antibiotic Side Effects As individuals, lessen ingestion of antibiotics, over inappropriate medicating of various conditions eventually harms ones immune system, consider as hazardous waste, do not dispose into any water treatment system. Advise others to do the same. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/410873 4-2-2016   A lucid decision, short lived, but a practical sane deduction   3-30-2016  Labels, preconceived misunderstandings, is the root of misconception .                                                                                                                  "Capitalism"  As experienced, it has perverted the system over time, and in need of fine tuning to truly address a positive human evolution. Serious issues, suggest immediate professional medical intervention and monitoring before complications set-in. Rational thought and decisions are compromised under long term distress, best seek unbiased source.https://environmentaljusticetv.wordpress.com/2015/03/24/charles-derber-on-capitalism-and-sociopathology/  .                                                                   3-22-2016  "ANOTHER TERRORIST ATTACK"  You don't know what you don't know                                                                                                                   3-18-16 THIS ISN'T 1968, RACE RIOTS, ANTI-WAR DEMONSTRATIONS, MARTIN LUTHER KING & BOBBY KENNEDY ASSASSINATED AND RIOTING @ THE DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION                                                                                                                                                                        3-14-2016  " CIVILITY & BEHAVIORS ORIGIN "   Most societies are build around nurturing & loving family units, collectively supporting their ethnic background & respecting their diversified country                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         3-13-2016   Stones unturned may obscure the obvious !  3-10-2016 "A Subject Hard to Pin Down" FRAUD & DECEPTIVE PRACTICES ARE FOUND EVERYWHERE. WHETHER APPLICATION FOR SOCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS OR INSURANCE CLAIMS, INDIVIDUALS HAVE SUBJECTED THEMSELVES TO SELF INFLICTED INJURY TO INCREASE THEIR CHANCE OF APPROVAL. THE ADVERTISED PRODUCT OR SERVICE, SHODDY OR THE NEGLIGENCE MISUSE OF OR ABUSE OF POSITION OR AUTHORITY IS A SHAMEFUL DISPLAY, TO SAY THE LEAST...... LASTLY THE USING OF RELIGION TO SUPPORT THEIR ACTIVITY IS BLASPHEMY...... MAY THEY SUFFER ETERNAL DAMNATION !............................The scope and vastness of this issue is in the forefront now. Historically problems prevailed, public awareness existed without a efficient way to communicate. Now diverse forums and technology has societies in the moment. 3-9-2016 "l LET'S GET THIS STRAIGHT ONCE AND FOR ALL ".........SOCIAL SECURITY, SSI FOR THE DISABLED, MEDICARE, MEDICAID, FOOD STAMPS......... ARE ALL PROGRAMS BORN FROM HUMAN NEED & CONCERN FOR OTHERS.........................The label of "SOCIALISM" is not negative or evil, but rather very descriptive of a important issue. How can one expect these as " ENTITLEMENTS " and disavow their origin. A PARANOID DELUSION OF GREAT PROPORTION. 3-9-2016 THE LOOMING POLITICAL MINDSET" Tense.....Panic @ many levels in the whole system of all per-sway-shuns............. Like a runaway train until a obstruction crisis arises, then token cooperation to quell the flare-up, then back to business as usual, to continue the illusion as desired . 3-7-2016 Constructive criticism valued Angie Fox.... What's not to hate about you???? You cook!!!! For crying out loud... I can smell the aromas all the way over here! You are also an animal lover! How could you???? Anthony Parchini..... And now a brief note from me,.....You shine brightly with numerous clear observations and sensible discourse about life important subjects ! Angie Fox..... I am so lucky to have the people in my life and on FB that I have. I love to hate you! 3-2-2016 ? IS THIS WHERE WE ARE ?.....Adolescent whim pursued & aided by vast financial resources. A deceived & frustrated society, shammed by generations of government politicians & their backers. Those enriched by exploiting natural resources and numerous systems by establishing Laws & Rules to continue the scam. 2-28-2016 QUICK REVIEW OF MAN'S SOURCES OF FUEL.......WOOD, DUNG, COAL, BIOLOGICAL & FOSSIL OILS, NATURAL ORGANIC GASES, WATER, WIND, HYDRO-ELECTRIC, GEOTHERMAL, TIDAL, SOLAR, NUCLEAR........... AND WHAT WILL BE THE NEXT BIG STEP IN MEETING DEMAND AND NOT HARM OUR NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. 2-27-2016 " EARTH'S LIVING ORGANISMS GOOD HEALTH AND DISEASE ISSUES" That brings us to humans and the reality of bad politics. Good or bad, medicine that addresses the issues, in the long run we get what we deserve.http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20150909-many-animals-can-become-mentally-ill 2-2-2016 The Earth Science are very important. Water and Air Quality first, natural produced energy, wind, sun, water dams, ocean tides and geothermal. Lastly Sanitation, the safe handling of waste products by people and industry. 1-22-2016 "Timely to the point resolve " 1-21-2016 THE "Evangelical" LABEL OR TITLE, TOUTED BY REPUBLICANS as though they are solely the heir to Righteousness and Good Doings, "A PRETENTIOUS LOT" 1-20-2016 Nationally and Worldwide, water quality has been and in many cases still is ruined by industry and governing authorities. 1-19-2016 Trump will crumble and be thankful for he knows not what he'll do, short of another jerk-knee reaction. TRUMP WILL LOOK PALE-IN THE FACE WHEN HE REALIZES THE IMPACT OF HER ENDORSEMENT, DAMAGE CONTROL ON CALL ! 1-19-2016 "Current Events and OPINIONS " I was intrigued in the beginning, now still, yet have a muddled view of several issues which need more thought with the passing of time....... 1-17-2016 "TRUTHS AND LIES, MISUNDERSTANDINGS, DISTORTIONS & EMBELLISHMENTS, EFFECT US ALL !" . Social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter are widely used to share facts, ideas and opinions — and misinformation, rumors and lies. (Evan Vucci/Associated Press) By Fareed Zakaria Opinion writer January 14 Thomas Jefferson often argued that an educated public was crucial for the survival of self-government. We now live in an age in which that education takes place mostly through relatively new platforms. Social networks — Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. — are the main mechanisms by which people receive and share facts, ideas and opinions. But what if they encourage misinformation, rumors and lies? In a comprehensive new study of Facebook that analyzed posts made between 2010 and 2014, a group of scholars found that people mainly shared information that confirmed their prejudices, paying little attention to facts and veracity. (Hat tip to Cass Sunstein, the leading expert on this topic.) The result, the report says, is the “proliferation of biased narratives fomented by unsubstantiated rumors, mistrust and paranoia.” The authors specifically studied trolling — the creation of highly provocative, often false information, with the hope of spreading it widely. The report says that “many mechanisms cause false information to gain acceptance, which in turn generate false beliefs that, once adopted by an individual, are highly resistant to correction.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/bile-venom-and-lies-how-i-was-trolled-on-the-internet/2016/01/14/62207a2c-baf8-11e5-829c-26ffb874a18d_story.html 1-9-2016 My comment relative to Dairy Cow "Once assisted, after live calf out, a dairy cow giving birth dropped its uterus, down on all fours, rear legs tied wide, hot water bucket bath, then vet stuffed it back it ! " 1-6-2016 "dream: there were tons of snakes all around me"....... Your subconscious, symbolically giving a familiar frightful image to conflicts and threats in the everyday conscious world, not uncommon, yet noteworthy to address these subjects. 1-5-2016 " Gun Control Issue"----- A bandaid in the right direction, until all finally acknowledge the several reasons for possession and the negative impact realized. http://dailycaller.com/2016/01/09/lone-survivor-marcus-luttrell-endorses-background-checks-for-gun-purchases-video/#ixzz3wnHNii1m 1-1-2016 Sicario (2015) - Emily Blunt, Benicio Del Toro Movie HD Balanced depiction of a story line, very realistic compelling scenes, deep emotional conflicts with plausible results https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8tlEcnrGnU 12-30-2015 Not everything is fun on Facebook these days, risque slander and evil doers.. Let us toss a fresh dressing on the whole bowl of it. Three names I go by ...https://www.google.com/search?q=see+no+evil+hear+no+evil+speak+no+evil+pics&espv=2&biw=1706&bih=793&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi4gpGa1IPKAhUW9mMKHZF2DHYQsAQIGw&dpr=0.75#imgrc=kNGH2zmVyBbniM%3A 12-28-2015 " A perfect storm of human error "...................applicable to numerously different situations, fine tuning of protocols and operating procedures is direly needed. 12-25-2015 FACEBOOK CAN BE BOTH A BOTHER OR FUN.....Better to look at it as a giant melting pot, to hot to enter but entertaining to observe, shock factors aside, there is alot of enriching opportunities 12-21-2015 Exasperating witnessing this Political Slug Fest. Civility and common courtesy lost to humiliating and derogatory statements. Potentially confounding factors abound, relative to some most serious issues. Dumb luck may guide us thru this fiasco ! 12-20-2015 Anxiously Awaiting Acknowledgement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibkJrm22UBM&list=RDCt2T2lwpaJM&index=3 12-18-2015 "AMERICAN MEDIA" TOP NOTCH REVENUE BONANZA FOR ADS POLITICAL SPORTS AND PROGRAMMING 12-16-2015 "CONTROVERSY OF CLASSROOM STUDY OF WORLD RELIGIONS" Sensitive times , subject specific, now thought to be violation by promoting Islam, sad that general knowledge is being obstructed. Chief concern surely is the negative influence of "Sharia Law", its extreme views, rules and punishments. The rewriting of certain passages not translated, boarders on preliminary indoctrination, by disguise, though citing it was to be written in Arabic, still has a subliminal message found distasteful. 12-16-2015 Roy Randall ·Fighting terrorism with war is like fighting a fire with gasoline. All war does is add fuel. Anthony Armed guards is a defensive start, eventually have to take the battle to the aggressor ! Roy - What happens when you are the aggressor? Anthony - Suffer the consequences ! Roy- Or ignore consequences and place the blame on the attacked. Anthony - Eventually falsehoods & manipulation of facts will eventually be exposed Roy - We are still waiting for those falsehoods and manipulations from the Kennedy assassinations and that was 50 years ago. 12-16-2015 It is good to want to broaden ones exposure to the world and its people, knowledge, with thoughtful consideration, will be helpful in problem decision making. 11-17-15 We all have baggage and will make our decision by gut & reason. 11-16-15 "Many conflicting views that are half-heartedly superficial justification of very complex issues " 11-14-15 A twist of facts enraged generations exploited by those of similar origin and foreigners 11-10-15 POLITICAL ISSUES DEAR TO US ALL !........Reduce Governments size, confront the deficit by cutting overall spending, eliminate restrictive regulations, abolish the IRS, seal the border, cap immigration with strict review of applicants, participate in a International effort to eliminate terrorism and human rights abuses. Address the cause of Economic slavery of the majority of Americans by the wealthy and Corporations for the abuse of the political process as described in "Citizens United". Focus our financial and intellectual resources on improving our education system, rebuilding our nations diverse infrastructure while maintaining a strong military and continue protecting our environment. 10-29-15 "BOULDER COLORADO REPUBLICAN DEBATE"....http://www.cnn.com/2015/10/29/politics/republican-debate-2015-winners-losers/index.html ...... G.O.P. Candidates Take Sharp Tone in Third Debate .http://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/29/us/politics/gop-candidates-take-sharp-tone-in-third-debate.html?_r=09-19-15 "DEBATERS & CITIZENS SPEAK THEIR MIND and........."We are in for a good year + of this confusion based on long standing social delusions nurtured for exploiting any and all systems. 9-17-15 Words and feeling attempt to express concern and comfort, please realize your situation is all of our challenge also. 9-16-15 We the people have long know many aspects of our life is not as it should be. Political driven government and private sectors all have exploited much. Many systems prevail even though they have left fractured and unfulfilled goals & expectations. Not new but now it is the thing to point these contradictions and failures out. Hopefully this interest will not lose momentum and continue to grow ! 9-3-15 AS stated on 7-23-15, "Trump is a Trojan Horse gift to the Repubs."...His lack of discretion and civility is sadly amusing. His quirkiness has surpassed any expectations thus far, and now any further dribble with be more contagious insults ! 8-25-15 "A CON MAN'S CON MAN", GREAT GIFT FOR GAB, quick to point out the obvious as his sole discovery, curt, insulting and arrogant. Immigration plans that are beyond accomplishment due to quantity of individuals, overall cost and the hardship created. A outstanding twister of facts, selectively mocking and distorting, not realizing you alone get it for your own satisfaction. PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS FOR IMMIGRANTS AND AMERICA .https://immigrationforum.org/programs/forum-action-fund/ 8-23-15 "POLITICAL PRE-PARTY PRIMARY STUMPING".After all is said, which has been plenty, we will gladly be happy to see some results from the packaged sales pitch to a citizen population loving the show, as dysfunctional as things have become. The important fact is more issues are getting notice and it's any body's game!... 8-10-15 Not long ago one figured thinks out the best they could until the media and internet opened things up ! 8-6-15 "REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES DEBATE"...THE BEGINNING OF SEVERAL ENTERTAINING ENCOUNTERS !.....LET THE DEBATING BEGIN..EVEN THOUGH TIME IS SHORT WITH A FREE FOR ALL ATMOSPHERE LOOMING !............ "METTLE"ˈ a person's ability to cope well with difficulties or to face a demanding situation in a spirited and resilient way. 8-6-15 AGAIN A WORD, A LABEL, A TITLE, AT ODDS ....Semantics.... AT BEST OR WORST.......... 8-3-15 The Repubs. will eventually muster-up a creditable candidate, after the field of 17 debate and unravel before the World. 8-5-15 The History of Exploitation is sadly noted and newer evils manifest daily, yet we are living thru the reality of it. Confront-Expose-Battle while still living and sharing existence peaceable. 7-29-15 "FLAVOR OF THE MOMENT ".....applicable at a moments notice for immediate gratification....... . 7-26-15 Awed at the practical application, after considering the risk taking involved ! 7-23-15 TO LIKE A POST OR NOT TO LIKE A POST, THE POSTER IS SECOND TO THE LIKED QUALITY OF THE POST ! 7-23-15 It has been a long time coming for persons such as Bernie, now Trump, speaking about the real issues and getting ongoing press coverage. Trump is a Trojan Horse gift to the Repubs. Granted Cruz has tabled his thought about controversial subjects, however he rubbed many abrasively and Trump has been following a similar path. 7-20-15 "DIPLOMACY" Frenemies in all Courts, getting things done ! .......... Childish rant fit, in need of a good frustrated cry ! 7-14-15 "Corporation CEO- Management Wage & Bonus Cap".....Granted good management should be compensated, but with sensible limits ! 6-30-15 " Dead Enders That History Is Rolling Over "....................... Max Ehrmann "Desiderata" - "Desired Things" Poem animation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lH72Quc9NmI 6-18-15 Political Peculiarity Is Sadly Amusing .....A Prime Example He Is.....Though He & Others Will Reveal More Peculiar Thoughts 6-9-15 "Appropriate Time For a Review" Despot Regimes, Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Yemen and Syria, broken by Arab Spring ripe for unsettled masses with conflicts , thus Terrorism's Birthing. Several hot spots have a prevailing friction within the Islamic Community (Sunni-Shia) with Jews, Christians and Kurds as neighbors. With such deep conflict ongoing any outside intervention has been futile. IMPORTANT TO NOTE - Saddam Hussein was Sunni, US Coalition attempts to back Shia Government, ISIS a Renegade Sunni Extremist emerges and shocks the WORLD. Iran(Shia), long time backer of Syria (Assad), the Iraq Militia(Shia) , and Revolutionaries in Yemen. Saudi Arabia(Sunni) leads the Gulf Oil Nations steadfast against any Shia Expansion. 6-4-15 War Expansion Talk" Evil lurks everywhere, monitoring and containment, without the exploitation for financial gain 5-31-15 -------- 2 LITTLE , ANY IF AT ALL, 2 LATE, NO REMORSE, NO APOLOGY, NO MORE TIME LEFT, NO MORE, SORRY ASS JUSTIFICATION............AFFLUENZA, a self serving excuse. Dysfunctional parenting, lack of guidance in right and wrong, over indulgence without the realization of consequence . 5-29-15 "A Nation in Conflict Is Understandable" It has not fallen, only weathering life's constant encounters within its conflicting parts . 5-24-15 ISIS, IRAQ, SYRIA, IRAN, OTHER ISLAMIC STATES...........ISIS BACKERS IN DISTANT BACKGROUND, ISIS IS ,THEY'RE THEIR OWN, EVIL ENTITY ..... Isis Targeting Iraq, Syria and Others , It Deems As Enemy. Recent attacks of Civilians in several countries throughout the World have now come to pass..........Presently Shia Militia of Iraq IS supported by Iran which also backs Syrian Shia Regime, Iraq Government and Military of Shia origin is weak and biased against the Sunni, Kurd and others in its population. ..... The Sunni-Shia Divide OVERVIEW VIDEO ORIGINS OF THE SCHISM MODERN TENSIONS PRACTICING THE FAITH SECTARIAN MILITANTS FLASH POINTS RESOURCES http://www.cfr.org/peace-conflict-and-human-rights/sunni-shia-divide/p33176?cid=ppc-Google-grant-sunni_shia_infoguide&gclid=CK3O4dTa2sUCFRCsaQodSZUAEA#!/ 5-7-15 Texas Rerpublicans...........Political anomaly of great proportion http://jhbwtc.blogspot.com/2013/07/reflections-four-types-of-anomaly-and.html 3-29-15 REPRESSIVE SECULAR REGIMES SUPPORTED BY THE WEST CAUSES CONFLICTS OF OUR TIME. The Economy in the hands of the First Responders to revive and assist. Others choose Inaction, continued selfishness with a Crab Mentality Ending................. 3-2-15 if we tally lessons learned then the USA will step back, assist verified worthy causes. "A lack of common sense is as dangerous as being where you shouldn't be" Last Man Standing 1-30-15 · Fellow American Citizens and Non-Citizens, times warrant our "collective constant awareness" of Public Safety Issues. True "Accidents" Noted,....The stage is set.....Global audience of Sport Event.....All Are Vulnerable, Anywhere Anytime or Not At All..........Successful Society Survive 1-6-15 "THE 114TH CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES" New GOP Congress Fires Shot At Social Security On Day One The newly perceived power, will be testy, near crab mentality, warranting nightmares and shameless lack of remorse. 11-14-14 "MIDDLE EAST WARFARE" As described in the international media, the backing of Sunni Extremists has backfired and evolved into ISIS (OR ANY OF THE CURRENT LABELS FOR THESE SHARIA LAW MOTIVATED OUTLAWS). Several Regional Nations now realize this error and now are changing their course of commitment to future peace. Frenemies- alla Russian Roulette side bar of Monopoly !

1 comment:

  1. "MAKING SENSE" Freedom of speech permits mis-dis information, citizens perceive false explanations. Deceivers play the odds, continuing their agenda, gaining and losing followers. Democracy will tolerate abuses, being a system, but the living, breathing person, their individual rights, becoming the groups collective rights, has the important choice.


APOGEE'S VIEW 11-12-94

Sus-pen-ded in the vast-ness of space
Float-ing free-ly while gaz-ing a-round,
Won-der, deep thoughts, ex-pressed on my face,
Awe, ques-tion, a-maz-ing, so pro-found

So ver-y, beau-ti-ful our earth is,
u-nique blue plan-et shroud-ed in white,
tur-bu-lent at-mos-phere... all is His,
Faith in the Lord, will make all turn right,

Our bless-ed place in the u-ni-verse,
We all must work to-geth-er... waste not,
Fu-ture lives yet to be lived... no curse
Love all be-ings, things, Lord hath be-got.


Monsters and snakes... Saber-toothed tiger,
looking you in the face

Get your guard up... Get it up
Get your guard up... Don't let up

Beware the unknown, your life's in your hands
Caution and defense
Relentless action... Action!... Action!

You know where your interests lie... Nor do you want to die

Do what's right... It may take a fight

Get your guard up... Get it up
Get your guard up... Get it up