
10-30-12 " Hurricane-Tropical Cyclone Sandy, Not A Blessing - No Disguise - Let's Fix All ! "

10-30-12 " Hurricane-Tropical Cyclone Sandy, Not A Blessing - No Disguise - Let's Fix All ! " SUGGESTION FOR AMERICA 'S PEOPLE, GOVERNMENT & POLITICIANS.........Tragedy requires massive 1st Response and infrastruture rebuilding. Extensive clean-up and new construction via national work program. Then continued throughout the USA with road, bridges, powergrid, water supply, dam-levee, sanitation and other aspects of quality of life. Federal National Disaster Funding. Jobs created, helpful and productive for economic survival and growth. .


10-04-12 "10-4.....Over and Out the Gate, the Debates Have Begun".

No foot fungus or shoe polish for Romney, rather a well rehearsed delivery. Short on important specifics of several issues, such as tax's, deficit reduction and job creation. Jobs without initial government funded infrastructure projects, would be useless if there wasn't earned spendable income and long needed upgrading, which would then start private sector jobs to complement and sustain. He cleverly and vaguely criticized while embrasing popular aspects of the health plan he intends to repeal..........Obama troubled and preoccupied with daily Presidential responsibilities, the escalating world tensions and domestic-international economics.

APOGEE'S VIEW 11-12-94

Sus-pen-ded in the vast-ness of space
Float-ing free-ly while gaz-ing a-round,
Won-der, deep thoughts, ex-pressed on my face,
Awe, ques-tion, a-maz-ing, so pro-found

So ver-y, beau-ti-ful our earth is,
u-nique blue plan-et shroud-ed in white,
tur-bu-lent at-mos-phere... all is His,
Faith in the Lord, will make all turn right,

Our bless-ed place in the u-ni-verse,
We all must work to-geth-er... waste not,
Fu-ture lives yet to be lived... no curse
Love all be-ings, things, Lord hath be-got.


Monsters and snakes... Saber-toothed tiger,
looking you in the face

Get your guard up... Get it up
Get your guard up... Don't let up

Beware the unknown, your life's in your hands
Caution and defense
Relentless action... Action!... Action!

You know where your interests lie... Nor do you want to die

Do what's right... It may take a fight

Get your guard up... Get it up
Get your guard up... Get it up