
9-12-2011 "Truth & Job Creation"

by Anthony Parchini on Monday, September 12, 2011 at 8:23pm
JOBS>>>Remember a few years back, shopping centers everywhere, full of all kinds of retail stores with a variety of products and services. Local industry and manufacturing, commercial construction aplenty. It took years, generations, to grow to such diversification................ECONOMIC DOWNTURN................Disposable income dries up. Business's close, store fronts empty, jobs are lost, homes and investments lost, production slows......................Any noticeable improvement will take sometime. The complex and interdependency of everything was created over a period of time, with many separate success's and failure's. A realistic view of any recovery will require much patience and fortitude. Private entrepenuer's will meet the need for goods and services only after there is a market to purchase and consume. Our Government needs to address our failing infrastructure and other important endevors, the income earned by these workers will commence a cycle of demand and supply.
It's almost like the chicken and the egg, which comes first. What is now in the private sector is a fraction of the past. Something needs to start the consumer spending here in the USA, earned income. Then business will start up again and flourish to meet demand..

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APOGEE'S VIEW 11-12-94

Sus-pen-ded in the vast-ness of space
Float-ing free-ly while gaz-ing a-round,
Won-der, deep thoughts, ex-pressed on my face,
Awe, ques-tion, a-maz-ing, so pro-found

So ver-y, beau-ti-ful our earth is,
u-nique blue plan-et shroud-ed in white,
tur-bu-lent at-mos-phere... all is His,
Faith in the Lord, will make all turn right,

Our bless-ed place in the u-ni-verse,
We all must work to-geth-er... waste not,
Fu-ture lives yet to be lived... no curse
Love all be-ings, things, Lord hath be-got.


Monsters and snakes... Saber-toothed tiger,
looking you in the face

Get your guard up... Get it up
Get your guard up... Don't let up

Beware the unknown, your life's in your hands
Caution and defense
Relentless action... Action!... Action!

You know where your interests lie... Nor do you want to die

Do what's right... It may take a fight

Get your guard up... Get it up
Get your guard up... Get it up