What word can one write that hasn't been written before, unless it is a new word. It is how words are coupled to express and ultimatedly how they are perceived. Thoughts, then written or spoken will be accepted or denied, by both the thinker or others. Freedom of choice, differences of opinions, slows positive change, until compromise is successful. Then future modifications continue the process of mutual understanding. Change is not easy, whether accepting a alternate view or everyday activity. First off, it may be incovenient or annoying and to some welcomed easily. For those that are troubled, their self control is tested and need support from those around them. Now, things can get really touchy. Self awareness and consideration for others, require a sincere effort to resolve our differences without anger, the end result of changing the subject is a waste of time, delaying a mature resolution. Truths, lies and their mixing, become distortions and mis-information. False rumor hearsay is disruptive. Conjured statements, not of factual origin, spread to arouse and incite distrust. Valid fact check is not always available or accurate. All of the above is a possilbility.
There is a term, (COC) Chain of Custody [Evidence].......Hacked e-mail can be altered, tainted or distorted. Also consider that knowing a breach was occuring, a opportunity for false information could then be released. After serious intrusion, critical follow-up and nearing change of administrations , a good time to make accounts payable.
"DEFENSIVE-AGGRESSIVE"Verify a threat thoroughly, given the time and resources available. No paranoia, no cower, no reservations, no regrets. Identify - Isolate - Neutralize
December 31, 2016
Like · Reply · January 3,2017
"THE PUPPETEER" ........I PERCEIVE AND SENSE.........There is a Director guiding Trump in public speaking. His proneness for rambling now guides the choice of location, screening of those attending and the placement of persons know to POTUS, to positively interrupt-intervene with persistence, a question, thus saving him from himself. FACT...What is to come is fixed. At least now many statements have stopped or modified to a more reasonable level , their initial purpose fulfilled. The contrast of opinions by prospective appointees to that of POTUS elect is encouraging.
January 12, 2017
Has to be the most controvercial issue in our lifetime with more shocking revelations to be unveiled.
Jan. 15, 2017
History has recorded the evolution of political corruption. First, a program is proposed to meet a specific need, thien a assault on its resoures occurs, not without renagade legal counsel. Programs created by bureaucrates forfilling a noble cause, not without a guarantee of a profitable return for investment by those in the private sector.
This going be a tag team extravaganza !............. Preserve, Protect and Defend ...See More
January 23
He highjacked the Republican Party, said things and promised all that people wanted to hear. Simply amazing, his manner and the nonsense chatter he is compelled to say. One thing for sure, comedy and criticism gets his goat, 4 SURE !...
January 24 Civility requires that reasonable consideration be given to others. Beyond that, RESPECT needs to be earned. Numerous serious insults and contrived scenarios have intentionallly cluttered and detracted attention from the important issues.The example set is repeatedly not normal, a pattern of serious concern. Fact less thoughts, basis of propaganda, seeking creditability by wanting a Formal Investigation.
January 26 This guy is Beyond Belief !.....Ban Bannon & Breitbart ! .....
January 27 CONSIDER "MONEY-WEALTH" ITS INFLUENCE ON PEOPLE & OUR POTUS, a dilemma coming. January 27 "THE COSTLY WALL" OR Satellite surveillance, variety of ground video, infra red and selective motion detectors, all backed up by strategically placed GARRISONS TO INTERCEPT. The changes of terrain increase the total length of the project and the maintained construction road will prove of great value. Miles of Rough to Rugged ground will be secured."THE WALL" THE GRAND PLAN, LET IT GO..........SUGGEST. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS FORTIFY EXISTING BARRIER AND USE TECHNOLOGY FOR THE RURAL BALANCE, WITH GARRISON OUTPOSTS TO MONITOR THE BORDER Few choices presently but definitely remain calm and prepared
January 31
"NO FINE PRINT TO PONDER" I see merit in many subjects covered, not all subsequent ways to address or resolve, not impressed with style, but "The Greatest Show on Earth" is hard to upstage
January 31
A polished choice of topics but superficial , with key words heard time and again. Final disclosures though, drift to the dark side of decision making
January 31
A quick recap. Election cycle 4 years, 8 yr. limit , Other factors important. Has always flipped back and forth and we as a nation learned to improve our plight. The main objective is safety, equality and opportunity without exploitation...(My sincere concern for all, best to Everyone !)
February 2
Iran views Trump a Tory. Rebel-outlaw, "God King Country" social order-monarchism.
February 3
February 6
Abrasive, after extreme speeches, high jacking the Republican Party he gave in to the far right Oligarghy and now Again A Force To Reckoned With
February 8
February 17
NEED TO SAY AGAIN..............Wallowing in past sensationalized selectively embellished topics, that still to this day are moot. Not to say that there is much eye opening needed in all forums. Wasted time complaining. Hopefully frustrated foolish insults have been put to rest. There seems to be a prevailing need to counter the perceived opposition at all costs, cluttering conflict with fragments of topics, thus obscuring the whole truth. More distorted perceptions drive the accusations. Again, combative rhetoric, new front man has some merit but lacks polish, preparing all for a new sincere visionary, there is a strong need for a good lead, "We shall see" .......... The Table Turns - The Game Remains The Same.......
WAITING PATIENTLY, FOR SOMETHING, MANY THINGS, OF GREAT SOCIAL IMPORTANCE, TO COME TO PASS ! So much to speak of, to qualify, to put into proper perspective. Yet we seem to always fall short.......... Still the need is there to clarify, to instill another directive. To exemplify ! YES, 1 MONTH of "Trump" AND still new disclosures and allegations, disregarded as false heresay, though from creditable origin.
February 27
Obama's term had numerable accomplishments as history will note. Those that disagree have their right. Donalds list of questionables are growing and he has only begun. WE SHALL SEE MORE TWISTED WORDS, THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS UNTIL HE IS GONE.
February 27
Again opinions vary, some of Obama's critics are beyond understanding and cling to Irrelevant issues that have no truthful basis. Wallowing in self serving misunderstandings !
February 27
February 27
· March 1
Needless to say again there is some merit there, however his views overall and specifically he as a public person leaves much to be desired. Thus a DUD !
· March 1
Dennis J Bernstein
As a boy I learned that dry ice burned
That the difference between the extremes
were not always hot and cold
Donald's Show is Captivating, then both "Overdone & Boring"............................................................. Trump won (hook or crook) alone (maybe), then the Established Republicans injected their agenda and people into his movement. Now most efforts are to implement several long standing goals of change, to their visIon. Trump a reckless-unpredictable frontman.
March 3
March 1
March 10
Life is fragile, continue living, loving & prayer with the best intentions, as you do
· March 30
Helier Felipe Alvarez Anthony, I think you need a vacation in Timbuktu, I may have to join you there as well!
· March 30
March 31
Why did he do this now? Nothing drowns out scandal like the fire and fury of 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles. https://www.nytimes.com/.../the-riddle-of-trumps-syria...
The Riddle of Trump’s Syria Attack
There’s nothing constant or certain about our new president.
nytimes.com|By Frank April 7
4-8-17 "All 2 realistic dark plot".........Trump Camp, {Russia, Syria, Iran}, Saudi's, Turkey, Jordan
April 10
Step back, gather you thoughts, recollections and evidence
April 11
Calm clear thought & decisions will guide you for better health
April 20
"We shall see" , has been aplenty this first hundred days, Executive Orders Galore, Contradictions of so many subjects, Distractions of senseless origin fail to distract from a CLASS B ACT
April 27
May 15, 2013 ·
The temptation to abuse power has deep psychological roots. ............Government, all or part, is ongoing, passed from one elected to the next. The Integrity of Government Service must be PREMIERE. Accountability by every individual is the bases of a successful society. THE "WE SHALL SEE" IS BECOMING MORE VISIBLE !·
May 17
We all are overwhelmed with current events & shocking historic events, whether live action participant, victim or part of the media audience. Need for truth & closure is premiere but not by arbitrary conclusions.
May 25 "NEW SPEAK 2017" Homonym
In linguistics, a homonym is one of a group of words that share the same pronunciation but have different meanings, whether spelled the same or not. A more restrictive definition sees homonyms as words that are simultaneously homographs and homophones. The relationship between a set of homonyms is called homonymy.
Sept 8 "quan·da·ry"
a state of perplexity or uncertainty over what to do in a difficult situation: "quag-mire"
an awkward, complex, or hazardous situation 2. an area of miry or boggy ground whose surface yields under the tread; a bog.
3. a situation from which extrication is very difficult:
4. a quagmire of financial indebtedness EXTREME WEATHER, Its causes, our past assumptions and policies, new choices of building codes in expanded flood plain areas. SUPPLY SOUTH KOREA WITH ENORMOUS VARIETY OF TACTICAL WEAPONS, EVACUATE ALL US PERSONS, ASSIST AND DEFEND ALL ALLIES..............................MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction) is the call of our times...
Trump: If U.S. must defend itself or allies 'we will have no choice but to…
Historically war was won by large numbers of participates overwhelming the adversary. Near 65 years of occupation presence in South Korea has been a deterrent. No longer effective with the current times and the technologies available. Withdrawal of US, while maintaining total backing with every possible resource, deescalates yet maintains power and strength.
That being said, happy is a moment deserving a smile, The rest is preparation for the next level of understanding.
Noam Chomsky Diagnoses the Trump Era
The president has abetted the collapse of a decaying system; Chomsky explains how. http://www.tomdispatch.com/.../tomgram%3A_noam.../
Tomgram: Noam Chomsky and David Barsamian, A World in Peril | TomDispatch
“Shock & Awe” over serious occurrences dominate , yet politicians push thru harmful legislation for a final battle, numerous worldwide conflicts verbally antagonized, which heightened tensions........Many important issues to address & resolve, at the minimum, identify-confront-contain
deny, divert, distract, destroy, conceal, cover up
The laughter is as deep as the shit we're'n !
AS THE STORY WENT.......Our 1st President "couldn't tell a lie" Our current POTUS "can't tell the truth ! "
If we aren't bombarded by product or service commercials there is the political opinion or intentional mis-dis information and lastly the heartbreaking tragedy and suffering depicted.
The budget, wall, immigration, infrastructure and dreamer issue's R all important and should be dealt with separately
Facts polluted by blind faith, tolerantly overlooking numerous bizarre thoughts, statements & declarations. FOLLOWING THE CARROT ON A STRING
Pretentious draft dodger, military school pussy fake
Our society has glorified criminals via historic folklore and theatre and is evident in all social circles conduct.
January 30, 2017 ·
"NO FINE PRINT TO PONDER" I see merit in many subjects covered, not all subsequent ways to address or resolve, not impressed with style, but "The Greatest Show on Earth" is hard to upstage. TONIGHT OUR POTUS SPEAKS ON "THE STATE OF OUR NATION"
Mumbo Jumbo , foolish references to Obama or Hillary topped off by ignoring numerous twisted antics of words & deeds by POTUS “The Greatest Show on Earth”
What you hear, may not be what you think ?.....Please excuse my using this video to make a point, presently many of our friends are avid followers of certain trends of thought without truly grasping the subject beyond the call of party loyalty, at the cost of truth and the stable future of our society.
Paraphrase of former FBI Director James Comey's statement
Party in power intoxication, knowingly conducting affairs bordering on treason of law
Obstruction is what it boils down to. You fail to reference persons who are part of overall conspiracy by Trumps group already pled guilty, under investigation, pending interview or subpoena. It must help you sleep better ignoring the mounting evidence of this train wreak TRUMP
GOP overall, consistently deal in facts polluted by blind faith, tolerantly overlooking numerous bizarre thoughts, statements & declaration
Recent criminal activity by Trump and co-conspirators is what is relevant now.
Military Parade Plan in process, personnel and equipment will occupy the grounds of the WHITEHOUSE, TO ESTABLISH A NEW PERIMETER, to be named "The Moot Moat" ............. EXCAVATION WITH BEGIN ON THE 99 FT.WIDE MOAT, representing the 99 % Silent Majority, TO BE STOCKED INCLUDING 2 DRAW BRIDGES for logistical planning. PROBLEM SOLVED, RADAR & A LASER WEAPON SYSTEM .....................? Is there a doctor in the house ?
**WAR** History covers the winners & losers of war, the survivors and the dead, the destruction and long lasting blight to all life. Tough call to accuse or excuse fore the crazed resort to excess to stop the insanity, the instigator and the innocent must bear the wrath.
America where are you now? Steppenwolf song
Just finished reading this lengthy, justly so, cover of several different threads related to media, government agencies, persons directly involved, both political party individuals complacent in various issues. Good read, and “We Shall See”
The opinion of the composition of the swamp has changed, from all the complacent politicians, the stacked cabinet of the Executive Branch, and then any group or body not agreeing with the observer. Still a wait and see, if after more than a year with Repub. control and majority of both houses, they have finally mustered a publicized effort.
Naturally both camps have their research cut out for themselves. This tit-4-tat has been played out since time began. "We Shall See"
Off & On you consistently go in a explosive dialogue relying on extreme distortion to further confuse the facts. This time around your unyielding allegiance to POTUS , his delusion of grandeur and other insults against established legal and investigative groups is shameful.
Truths, lies and their mixing, become distortions and mis-information. False rumor hearsay is disruptive. Conjured statements, not of factual origin, spread to arouse and incite distrust. Deny, divert, distract, destroy, conceal, cover up.
Don't hyperventilate, get dizzy and wander into un-charted waters !
FB is similar to Life Understanding & Opinion 101 , Be thorough & precise
Parchini Anthony-EleanorIf we aren't bombarded by product or service commercials there is the political opinion or intentional mis-dis information and lastly the heartbreaking tragedy and suffering depicted.
Parchini Anthony-EleanorFacts polluted by blind faith, tolerantly overlooking numerous bizarre thoughts, statements & declarations. FOLLOWING THE CARROT ON A STRING
Parchini Anthony-EleanorMumbo Jumbo , foolish references to Obama or Hillary topped off by ignoring numerous twisted antics of words & deeds by POTUS “The Greatest Show on Earth”
Parchini Anthony-EleanorWhat you hear, may not be what you think ?.....Please excuse my using this video to make a point, presently many of our friends are avid followers of certain trends of thought without truly grasping the subject beyond the call of party loyalty, at the cost of truth and the stable future of our society.
Parchini Anthony-EleanorObstruction is what it boils down to. You fail to reference persons who are part of overall conspiracy by Trumps group already pled guilty, under investigation, pending interview or subpoena. It must help you sleep better ignoring the mounting evidence of this train wreak TRUMP
Parchini Anthony-EleanorMilitary Parade Plan in process, personnel and equipment will occupy the grounds of the WHITEHOUSE, TO ESTABLISH A NEW PERIMETER, to be named "The Moot Moat" ............. EXCAVATION WITH BEGIN ON THE 99 FT.WIDE MOAT, representing the 99 % Silent Majority, TO BE STOCKED INCLUDING 2 DRAW BRIDGES for logistical planning. PROBLEM SOLVED, RADAR & A LASER WEAPON SYSTEM .....................? Is there a doctor in the house ?
Parchini Anthony-Eleanor**WAR** History covers the winners & losers of war, the survivors and the dead, the destruction and long lasting blight to all life. Tough call to accuse or excuse fore the crazed resort to excess to stop the insanity, the instigator and the innocent must bear the wrath.
Parchini Anthony-EleanorJust finished reading this lengthy, justly so, cover of several different threads related to media, government agencies, persons directly involved, both political party individuals complacent in various issues. Good read, and “We Shall See”
Parchini Anthony-EleanorThe opinion of the composition of the swamp has changed, from all the complacent politicians, the stacked cabinet of the Executive Branch, and then any group or body not agreeing with the observer. Still a wait and see, if after more than a year with Repub. control and majority of both houses, they have finally mustered a publicized effort. Naturally both camps have their research cut out for themselves. This tit-4-tat has been played out since time began. "We Shall See"
Parchini Anthony-EleanorOff & On you consistently go in a explosive dialogue relying on extreme distortion to further confuse the facts. This time around your unyielding allegiance to POTUS , his delusion of grandeur and other insults against established legal and investigative groups is shameful.
Parchini Anthony-EleanorTruths, lies and their mixing, become distortions and mis-information. False rumor hearsay is disruptive. Conjured statements, not of factual origin, spread to arouse and incite distrust. Deny, divert, distract, destroy, conceal, cover up.
Parchini Anthony-EleanorRhyme or Reason Discounted.........Captive audiences bare the confusion....... Agenda of preemptive attack of numerous systems and their specific issues. A calculated effort to overwhelm the media and public as they struggle to keep up with the barrage.
Parchini Anthony-EleanorWHAT IS IN STORE FOR THE FUTURE...... Matter of time, extreme weather occurances, social upheaval due to long term distruption of critical services, timely access to healthcare, stagnant working wage unable to provide a reasonable life experience and the selective discrimation of the majority of the population. This has played out before in the history of mankind. Will the OVERLORDS thru out the world correct the course we’re on or continue their self indulgent ways...........AND NOW TALK OF WAR!
Parchini Anthony-EleanorRecent Commercial Airline Passenger Death........ Money issues as they unfold, foremost if negligence be the cause, sadness increases and complete upgrade in quality control is a better start. I
Parchini Anthony-EleanorIssue surrounding Barack Obama and Nobel Prize...Agree, less than a year in office. Given as a motivator or wish-full-ness, sadly reduces overall value and true meaning !
Parchini Anthony-EleanorHEALTHCARE CONFLICT-------------------------------Right and Privilege......The constant conflict....Need...Cost...Value...Access...Fairness Good health is a blessing, help when ill is blessing, medication - treatme…See more
Parchini Anthony-EleanorNo claim to anyone. Recent discoveries gone public expected for anyone, anytime, anywhere, hearsay or eventual fact, wait & see. Impeach Trump a popular cause, allegations aplenty with consequences not far behind. Again, "We Shall See"
Parchini Anthony-EleanorOur society is in its dark ages, your cult is blinded, bitter n bulldozed. Extreme is Trumps’ comfort spot, the unexpected change up wears thin and fizzles out exposes his shallowness.
Parchini Anthony-EleanorTo whom it may...... Understand your current vigor for and unwavering feel for potus fake-us. “The Art of the Lie n Con” is to complete to Ignore cause it is what you want to hear. Til you have a profound divine experience your misguided behavior is understandable and far from impacting me, short of being totally amusing.
Parchini Anthony-EleanorCONFUSING TIMES WE ARE IN, SUPERFICIAL ANSWERS PREVAIL WHEN SINCERE UNDERSTANDING IS NEEDED. You have found your newer material to feed your fantasy...........BACK TO REALITY NOW...........Won't be long before evidence outweighs denial and silly attempts to divert attention. Preschool Politicians & Corporate Administrators ill prepared to lead. They can't cover their behavior or criminal activity without their spontaneous words of contradiction...........DO they pain, quick draw, when shot in their own foot!
Parchini Anthony-EleanorYour sorrow is understandable considering you have written the same thought over and over. Adding up all the verbal insults, numerous alleged assaults, off the cuff statements about serious issues that have been walked back by your potus or his associates as damage control, have supported my and many individuals to backup and wonder how this behavior is found acceptable. Good luck with your personal wounds, I will wait and see ! Don't forget your statement that if Trump is personally charged and found guilty or removed from office by impeachment you will gladly agree. Also those associated with him who already have pleaded guilty, those who have decided to cooperate with a investigation to mitigate there own criminal issues, and those who are waiting fearfully to be discovered. THE WAIT IS MOST PAINFUL. You and your fellow followers have my sympathy.
Parchini Anthony-EleanorGranted, a few of his polices make sense, others not. His public speak is crude and flighty. When kept to script he is nearly authoritative, until he speaks his mind (tweets especially). Your intentional oversight of his idiosyncrasies, a analysts nightmare for sure. He has thrived with the support of those like you. FENCES, THEY KEEP YOU OUT OR KEEP YOU IN
Parchini Anthony-EleanorWHY WE'RE AT THIS "Political Predicament" Dumb luck, questionable tactics, foreign meddling, the goal to win by disregarding values & integrity, all elected Trump. TV star status, built on cut throat dictator rule, a personal capitalistic fortune and other Oligarch's backing. Media and select civil, religious & corporate organizations to validate the agenda. Political Party, corporate success and enrichment of the wealthy over country and the majority of Americans. Lies, half truths, distortions & distractions fill all levels of social exchange, effectively overwhelming the average persons capability to cover adequately. The assault on basic Constitution premises of separation of power, respect of the rule of law as to the integrity of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other similar resources which all guide our Government with just civil and Congressional oversight...........Sure there is more observations to add...…….Deep rooted injustices, shameful greed and complacency evolved.
Parchini Anthony-EleanorGiven enough rope we'll get to the bottom of this. I live amongst the trees, and so, seeing the world more clearly. A hard lesson learned is more valuable than protecting bad judgment. Forgive, Archive Conflicts for a better Future.
Parchini Anthony-EleanorOVERVIEW"...….Majority- Popular Vote is the preferred image of our system. Electoral College value is fairness. CRITICALLY IMPORTANT that persons voting in COLLEGE are competent & screened for integrity by each state legislature.
Parchini Anthony-EleanorHOW SOME FOLK STEADFAST REFUSE TO SEE THE MANY IRREGULARITIES THAT TRUMP EMBRACES, MIND BOGGLING...….. I'm a lefty, predominantly using right side of the human brain, having diverse material sources, choosing subjects and origins that stimulate creative thought to hopefully clarify questionable subjects.
Parchini Anthony-EleanorIf any more of Trump Gang is cited & charged or pleads out to a lesser charge, found guilty, maybe Pardoned by POTUS that will justify everyone’s disgust with the “Man of Thousands of Lies”
Parchini Anthony-EleanorSocial skills and its' applied finesse or lack of, can be very taxing and stressful, especially in the work environment. Life, living and conflict is the norm. Peace is the interlude between wars. Conditions require tolerance and the ability to enjoy life's good times and pleasures. The future's complexity demands education. OJT, Certificate or Degree and periodic updates. Institution excellence and personal integrity ideally will keep it on track.
Parchini Anthony-EleanorSurrounded, give up your arms, prepare to be silenced, previous years of complaints forgotten, quiet before next storm, then another shift of direction
Parchini Anthony-EleanorHealthy Bull Stock Market, let's not forget the down side history. Good for those in the mkt., good generally speaking for that all may truly experience better days sooner rather than never.
Parchini Anthony-EleanorAll life has a ongoing issue with the world around them. Good, bad and indifferent, time passes, what is, is...what was, was...& the will be, remains to be seen. Enjoy your life !
Parchini Anthony-EleanorLife's reality is both harsh and acceptable, bitterness & satisfaction rule behavior. Civility bonds endure...………….Confusion is contagious, we have 2 B understood N understandable (comprehensible)…….Your days fulfill expectations as our pursuit of truth, justice & freedom prevail.
Parchini Anthony-EleanorAs alleged, droves of impoverished abused immigrants, undesirables, drugs and other contraband has gone unchecked. Concern for the humanitarian needs is primary and cooperation with this problem that Mexico has, the US will assist.
Parchini Anthony-EleanorLegal abuse refers to unfair or improper legal action initiated with selfish or malicious intentions. Abuse can originate from nearly any part of the legal system, including frivolous and vexatious litigants, abuses by law enforcement, incompetent, careless or corrupt attorneys and misconduct from the judiciary itself.
Parchini Anthony-EleanorBeen consistently baffled with the strongly religious individuals that condone D. Trump with all the history and current issues that are his to own. Many persons and leading civil, corporate and religious organizations are rethinking their position. Part of maturity and sincerity is the acknowledging of a error and correcting the misunderstanding. As mentally painful as it may be, the peace of mind is priceless. .............Going to share this revelation !............Best to All the Day in Transition............Tony
Parchini Anthony-EleanorYour choices stand out for You. Other paths exist. Right or Wrong, It's the Way It Is. History records Life's Trials and Errors. It is gross ignorance to think that any particular thought is PREMIER, temporary until a better understanding evolves.
Parchini Anthony-EleanorMis-understandings, different memories priorities expectations cloud relationships. Preconceived notions, coupled with hasty assertions, only compound and broaden the conflict.
Parchini Anthony-EleanorDENIAL IS ADDICTIVE AND RE-ENFORCES THE SELF SERVING BUBBLE OF IGNORING THE INEVITABLE. Good luck and a safe landing ! While written Law is in effect, and when complex issues arise, it takes time to sort out the facts and interpretations. OBSTRUCTION is a primary factor in most crimes, that being denial, coverups, witness tampering & neutralization, destruction of evidence, diversion and lack of cooperation, to cite a few elements of deceit. Collusion is in effect the outcome of Obstruction. Let the chips fall as they will. Any wrong doing by any one is fair game, whether any political affiliation, wealth, position, past deeds and that yet to be discovered.............Brain wash talk of complete exoneration and the like is nothing but meaningless distraction.
Parchini Anthony-EleanorYou don't know what you don't know or realize. The position of parents and authorities is to guide, oversight and supervise the path to success and good health. The difference of our personal background, experience, logical understanding and application may differ. We all carry baggage that interferes with decision making and have to live with the outcome. May we all be blessed.
"TRUMP & HIS PEANUT GALLERY" Granted, a few of his polices make sense, others not. His public speak is crude and flighty. When kept to script he is nearly authoritative, until he speaks his mind (tweets especially). Your intentional oversight of his idiosyncrasies, a analysts nightmare for sure. He has thrived with the support of those like you. FENCES, THEY KEEP YOU OUT OR KEEP YOU IN
Sus-pen-ded in the vast-ness of space Float-ing free-ly while gaz-ing a-round, Won-der, deep thoughts, ex-pressed on my face, Awe, ques-tion, a-maz-ing, so pro-found
So ver-y, beau-ti-ful our earth is, u-nique blue plan-et shroud-ed in white, tur-bu-lent at-mos-phere... all is His, Faith in the Lord, will make all turn right,
Our bless-ed place in the u-ni-verse, We all must work to-geth-er... waste not, Fu-ture lives yet to be lived... no curse Love all be-ings, things, Lord hath be-got.
Monsters and snakes... Saber-toothed tiger, looking you in the face
Get your guard up... Get it up Get your guard up... Don't let up
Beware the unknown, your life's in your hands Caution and defense Relentless action... Action!... Action!
You know where your interests lie... Nor do you want to die
Do what's right... It may take a fight
Get your guard up... Get it up Get your guard up... Get it up