
09-19-2012 "Face It, Seems Harsh, Yet Practical......."Means Test "....... ? Question Hand Outs to the Wealthy ?"

09-19-2012 "Face It, Seems Harsh, Yet Practical......."Means Test "....... ? Question Hand Outs to the Wealthy ?" · HOT TOPIC: "Means Testing for Medicare, Social Security and/any/all Government Program" Tax's paid, earned wage Social Security deductions banked for the People , by the Government, for Basic Operation of Government and carefully used to enrich and nurture society. A shared responsibility for all to take part in..........http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Means_test. Anthony Parchini http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Means_test. Means test - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org In Canada means tests are used for student finance (for post-secondary education...See More

09-20-12 "The Morning After, Realization, Acceptance"

09-20-12 "The Morning After, Realization, Acceptance" In every contest, a winner, a loser and the thankful. Good judgement calls for preparation for the unexpected. All then should unite and achieve a successful balanced equable society. Discard disruptive and uncooperative behavior for the sake of us all. AND ON AND ON AND On PATH TO IMPROVEMENT 6-26-85 Yes, clear-eyed , open-minded perception of reality, profound realizations, revelations and idiosyncrasies can be harsh. However, it is not the end of the world. It would only improve oneself and result in an enhanced self-image and self-esteem. One who is happy with themselves can then relate better with others. 10-18-2011 " Complex A Understatement " Understand how thoughts, written and spoken words, the preconceived and recently learned, and the emotions at the height of the moment can all collide. 11-29-2011 " Acceptance " It's tough balancing our life to suit our own understandings, and that of others. Sometimes the easiest path is the roughest, what is thought to be complete and unadulterated often is a disaster. We have to accept and let go. Pray for incite for the blinded. 8-27-2010 "Healing" Need we be reminded the thought of, the site of, the smell and taste of, the beginning of, the healing process, we tend to reject, the corrective measures........Later realizing, it was for our own good. 1-26-2011 " The Evolution of the Survival Mindset into Capitalistic Greed" Ironic, sad, not at all funny, lastly resolved to amusement. Long time business as usual, get the most from the least, be a product or service, half truths and deception throughout all aspects of our experience. Illegal immigration thrives due to cheap labor for generations. America's growing population with high aspirations, yet still, that element of exploitation, thrived and persists in our society. War and suppression hardens a person to where survival, the basic instinct of Human Nature rules. Economic War is happening. Many now have had years of struggle, with no sign of help. Loss of work income, home, retirement savings, and general devaluation coupled with rising prices. Some have had good fortune and luck and have slipped thru with minimal loss and will likely remain secure. Others, well above poverty, with diverse resources, have sustained losses also. Greed has brought America to its knee's. Fair compensation is essential, excessive return only creates a unnecessary burden. Flagrant concealment, tampering or manipulation of important documented facts , also legal loopholes which bypass rules and laws, are temporally successful, sometimes criminal, and at times accountable by law. Years of legal work to expose fraud in Enron, Insurance, Bank and housing mortgage failures. Madoff, Stafford, Halliburton, Blackwater USA (Worldwide) Xe Services LLC to name a few high rollers. The future of America needs direction and action now. We must stop the foolish bickering, not stall for a preferred leadership, but use the tools and system in force now.


8-27-2011 "Twisters n Hurricanes"

8-27-2011 "Twisters n Hurricanes" by Anthony Parchini Tornado's are of Supercell origin. Low pressure Thunderstorm with a special blend of advancing wind direction of a cool dry air mass, moist warmer air, wind sheer aloft, collision, friction,and churning of the atmosphere.. Hurricanes a great Low pressure system, strong rotation with spin off turbulent air vortices creating potential tornado's.Like · http://www.weather.com/news/weather-severe/severe-weather-tracker.

09-16-12 " Quiet Time, Solitude and Thought "

09-16-12 " Quiet Time, Solitude and Thought " Worldly issues, specifically self important subjects, need ; Those most important times, alone unto self,........ sleep,........ waiting quietly to be called,........ using the lavatory. Times for contemplation and decision.......... Alone........in the woods.........flying.........fishing.........alone........Boating..........walking.

September 2012 "Politics 2012-Thoughts and Comments"

· Topic of choice, points needed to be made. Boils down to what truth or part there of, is captioned, that suits a given agenda, at any particular moment in time, which satisfies. Stress, fear, rejection and failure are just a few aspects of the limelight. Today, not much goes unseen or unheard, if news worthy, no holds barred. This posting is meant to stir a undesired self review to those whom it is applicable;......AGAIN and ongoing; Dirty politics, mud slinging feast....The frustrated lie, bend on distortion at all costs....Superficial understanding prevails, empty and inadequate if not confronted and reconciled...Sense of security is stressed, a hasty resolve vents anxiety. Temporary calming before the next flair-up.. I say let the Repubs. continue their fishing expo., the de-bait menu hasn't changed, sour grapes - crow - humble pie - Pepto Bismol @ the bar ! Loosing patience with dimwitted individuals. Our Countries and Worlds problems are most complex. Fragmented explanations and hasty conclusions are counter-productive. Lies, distortions and near criminal tampering prevail. With Truth, Honesty and Integrity we may come thru this. We live in a land molded by big money, Corporations, the Banks and Rich. Lawyers, Politicians do their bidding. As the game of "Monopoly" the objective is wealth and power. The average person has been abused for centuries. The established system of WEALTH consistently manipulated and deceived to acquire. Bailout monies are returning to the treasury, infrastructure projects ongoing, Healthcare issue and change in effect, jobs have been created, sincere effort to cooperate. Consider the years of recklessness that caused the economic disaster. Yes, any bailout has risks. Choice made, since repaid, as relayed. The Federal Reserve is a Private Corporation, NOT OF-BY-FOR THE PEOPLE. Aurora Colorado and countless other senseless acts of violence stir up much debate. Disarm, arm for defense, certify person for gun possession and security check for weapons at public venues.............. The death and injury numbers are shocking. Whatever the tool of violence or its origin, society as a whole, will be civil. Do not cower at evil but stand ready to overcome thru just preparedness. The passing of time does not give a CULT credibility. The people are good, soft-spoken and sincere, sad that the doctrine is Fantasy.

APOGEE'S VIEW 11-12-94

Sus-pen-ded in the vast-ness of space
Float-ing free-ly while gaz-ing a-round,
Won-der, deep thoughts, ex-pressed on my face,
Awe, ques-tion, a-maz-ing, so pro-found

So ver-y, beau-ti-ful our earth is,
u-nique blue plan-et shroud-ed in white,
tur-bu-lent at-mos-phere... all is His,
Faith in the Lord, will make all turn right,

Our bless-ed place in the u-ni-verse,
We all must work to-geth-er... waste not,
Fu-ture lives yet to be lived... no curse
Love all be-ings, things, Lord hath be-got.


Monsters and snakes... Saber-toothed tiger,
looking you in the face

Get your guard up... Get it up
Get your guard up... Don't let up

Beware the unknown, your life's in your hands
Caution and defense
Relentless action... Action!... Action!

You know where your interests lie... Nor do you want to die

Do what's right... It may take a fight

Get your guard up... Get it up
Get your guard up... Get it up