

Hear the train a come'in, moving down the track
Hear the train a come'in, the Lord's come'in back

We all need some help, to clear our minds
People need one another, to practice to be kind

We're all hoping we'll learn his lesson this time
There's too much disinterest in the people's needs of our time

Gotta get together, isn't too much time
Here the ca11'in ... Come on get aboard

Jesus came to the earth to help you save your soul
Don't you think it's time to lighten your load

Better do it now, before you're too old,
Get Aboard ... Get Aboard.


Fall'in on the Island, fall'in from the sky
Found in our soil and water, Gotta stop the Acid Rain

Born of the industrial air, pollution everywhere
People starting to care, Gonna stop the Acid Rain

Kill'in fish and game, vegetation the same
Conscientious application, to stop the Acid Rain

Auto emissions they're a shame, we know who's to blame
Gotta mobilize now, to check the Acid Rain

Fall'in on the Island, fall ll'in from the sky
Found in our soil and waters, Gotta stop the Acid Rain.


Tenant landlord disputes always coming my way
Truth is, I don't like paying rent ••• What more need I say

They're only out for the buck, and I'm not having much luck
Challenging the landlord

Dwelling in disrepair, lessors don't care
Sometimes there's infestations, a case of disassociation

Tenants unite, we got to fight
Let's challenge the landlord.


Todays normalcy, is just an idiosyncrasy
A gross malady, for you and me to see
Oh, why can't you see, the way things ought to be

It's a matter of attitude, using much fortitude
No need to be rude, or get misconstrued
Just pure servitude, yes pure servitude

Todays normalcy is an inconsistency, of interpreted reality
Your perception, just a deception
A distortion, resulting in extortion
Of your mind ••• of your mind

It's a matter of attitude, using much fortitude
No need to be rude, or get misconstrued
Just pure servitude, yes pure servitude


Came to Arrowhead to clear my head,
got off to a bad start, now I'm getting smart

Setauket is a historic town,
where our nations liberators hung around,

They desired to secede,
for there was too much greed

Oligarchy destiny weavers, not truly seers,
Corporate leaders, fact misreaders,
Political leaders, reality evaders.

We know you're in power, why not lead us to unity, Oligarchy.

Bilking our essence, time for repentance,
Stop your selfishness, Oligarchy, Better hear me.


Romanticism, Chauvinism, Capitalism, Socialism, Communism,
all controversial isms.

Tri-Lateral Commissions Realism.

Establishing doctrines, undertaking adventures,
seeking solutions, remedies for conjecture.


Communication alliance
populace compliance

Establish truthful rapport
to avert war

No complacency
due to the urgency

Voters register
abate disaster

Pledge support
truth is our last resort



Deep in the bowels of the earth, man searches for metals of worth
Gold and silver top their lists, men toil strengthening their wrists

There are many perils to be found, in the shafts below the ground
Natures water table, test those that are able

Tremors by surprise, make us realize
Precious metals are a rarity, due to their scarcity

Aesthetically and scientifically they have their place
With forethought a new pace for the Human Race

Gotta change the economic base, for the sake of our race
Perhaps a liter of clean air, perhaps a liter of clean water
Don't you think we oughta, have some clean air and water

Deep in the bowels of the earth, you will find metals of worth


Rising water table, growing geological stress
Livestock uneasy in the stable, scientists try to impress

Another evolutionary stage, sociological changes abound
People feeling the earth's rage, shifts and jolts of the ground.

Mount St. Helens explodes to the atmosphere, losing 1400 foot of climb
Many a folk in fear, me making this disaster rhyme

Volcanic ash covers the Northwest, people anguish from the strife
Busy doing their very best, to adjust their life

This has happened before, movements of the earth
Us keeping the score, of the internal hearth.


Due to the economy, our nation's now in disharmony
don't want to be curt, but it took our pockets to hurt

People are gett'in mad, cause their feel'in sad
the Great Society, shamed by it's notoriety

Citizens don't fret, we haven't lost yet
it's gonna be tough, but we know our stuff

Let's stop the hate, and set this country straight
our leaders will adhere, if we sing this cheer

Power to the People. Goals based on fact, experience
and need, to stop the greed. Elect true leaders. People
support is our last resort. Power to the People.

APOGEE'S VIEW 11-12-94

Sus-pen-ded in the vast-ness of space
Float-ing free-ly while gaz-ing a-round,
Won-der, deep thoughts, ex-pressed on my face,
Awe, ques-tion, a-maz-ing, so pro-found

So ver-y, beau-ti-ful our earth is,
u-nique blue plan-et shroud-ed in white,
tur-bu-lent at-mos-phere... all is His,
Faith in the Lord, will make all turn right,

Our bless-ed place in the u-ni-verse,
We all must work to-geth-er... waste not,
Fu-ture lives yet to be lived... no curse
Love all be-ings, things, Lord hath be-got.


Monsters and snakes... Saber-toothed tiger,
looking you in the face

Get your guard up... Get it up
Get your guard up... Don't let up

Beware the unknown, your life's in your hands
Caution and defense
Relentless action... Action!... Action!

You know where your interests lie... Nor do you want to die

Do what's right... It may take a fight

Get your guard up... Get it up
Get your guard up... Get it up